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Because the Blue Diamond -pla-ster mill is close to your market you can always have fiesh, uniform plaster "i ttiu lowest price, and wiihout choking your war.ho.r", *rith excess stock.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturcrr of California White and Sugar Pine Lumbc Millr at Suranville and Hilg Cd.
ISO,OOO,OOO Feet Annud Cepacity B. W. ADAMS, Mgt. Salec Dcpt. Firet National Bank Bldg. - San Francigco
Ore. We Specialize in
Harbor OLD GROWTI{ YELLOW nfe. 'fhis vital paragraph
Finishand Vertical Grain Flooring. If you like extra good quality Red Cedar Shingles we can furnish them.
^ \\-'vv' wtll appeor in eight archite ctural and building magazirlcs : -every architzct ond contrdctor in America utill reod it again and again.
A 2(N-year srpply of these soods not stands in the region therc oar milk oper ate. Natural grotth of s t anding I im ber, augmetted b y natur a I r eptoduct iot and te-fotestdtton, atsures d tupply ofthese yaluable buifd. ing woods for all time.
Every architect and builder, and thousands ofpros' pective home builders (your customers) are rPiding -each month about the uses and advantages of CaIi' forniaVhite Pine and California Sugar Pinefor home building-for doors, sash and interior trim.
The man who BUY$ lumber is interested in the USE of that wood in HIS OWN HOUSE. He wants to know that California Pine doors will not stick, windows will not jam, interior trim will"stay pss"- that California White Pine and California Sue". Pine work up readily, take and hold paint and enimel perfectly; ind that the final costs of these woods make them economical for his use.
Our advertising sells the USE of California' White Pine and eaLfornia Sugar Pine for doors, sash and trim. It tells WHY these woods should be used. Back of every line in this campaign is the dy' namic word-SELL! We wantyou to MrIKF'' MONEY SELUNG California White Pine and California Sugar.Pine. Our nation'widq million: message campa€n is a SELLING canpaign-for you!

Are vou orepared to meet the demand this SELLING cimpitg" *ttt crate? Stock these woodsC,alifornia-White Pine and California Sugar Pine. Prices werenever more favorable than NOW. And remember,-our Wood Technologist will answer all your questions about these woods, frankly and fully.