1 minute read
Ben woodhead Boom is Growing
last Weekly Nervs Letter, from Secretary_Treasurer Henry Isherrvood, contained a long piece of news on the coming Hoo Hoo Annual at Minneapolis, September 9th, and had, in part, the following to say about the election to the highest office in the order, that o,f Snark of the universe.
"While the Coolidge-Davis-La Follette controversy is keeping old Man Politicus pretty close to his knitting tirese days, he might tvell cast an eye toward the coming annual election of Hoo-IJoo for a situation rvo,rthy of engaging his political acuement
"Not that the FIoo-Hoo election has anything to do rvith politics, in the cosrmo,ii coriception of that verv general and frequently vag'ue rvord, but it presents a situation which ' well might stump old Man politicus himserf. Looks like .r,r'e'll have to r,r,'ait until the votes are in_
"Three of the most distinguished lumbermen of the Unit_ ed States, each a stalwart Hoo-Hoo, are in the race for the highest honor Hoo-Hoo may ofier a faithful son_the post
R. F. HAMMATT ON SOUTHERN BUSINESS TRIP of San.Francisco, Secretary_Manager of the California Redwood Associatio' i. o' a'businesi trio that rvill carry -him to l-os Angeles "nj -S."-Oi.;;. Fi: expects to spend a month in Southern California.