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To Make Satisfied And Permanent Customers
of Snark of the Universe. Each is eminently qualified to fill the place u'ith honor to himself and to the Order.
"From the South comes Ben S- Woodhead, of the Beau_ mont Lumber Company, Beaumont, Texas, a man who has the respect and afiection of lumbermen, and who bears the reputation of being a level-headed business man. Texas Hoo-I{oo are for him to a man, and Ca.liforn,ira, whose native son, C. D. LeMaster, is about to relinquish the post of Snark of the Universe and seek refuge in the Ho,usl of Ancients, is looking kindly to the candidacy of Brother Woodhead.
"The Beaumont Hoo-Hoo Club is prepared to send a delegation to Minneapolis, animated by a determination to n'in the honor for their Beaumont Brother or find out whv they cannot. The \\Ioodhead boom rvas launched by thi club, and the joint meeting at Houston, recently, of the Texas mill managers and the Louisiana mill manag.ers, Brother Woodhead was pledged support."
Allan Turner Returns From Northwest Trip
.\llan'l'urner. San Francisco rvholesaler, has r.turr,"! from a tr.vo rveeks business trip in the Northwest wheie !erva_s calling on the mills. ' He visited the portland, Columlia River, Willamette Valley, anct Central Wash_ ington lumber districts.