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" lncooorated under thc lawr of Celifornte

J. C. Dionnc, Prcr. ud Trcu.; Phil B. Hart, Vice.Prcr.i J. E. Martln' Sccy. Publtrhed ttc lct ed l5th of each nontb rt

3lt-19-20 CENTRAL BUILDING LOS AI\IGELES' CAL. TELEPHONE' VAndlkc '13t5 Entercd ar Seond-cla$ Datt.r ScrttcEber. 8, tg,,n at thc Fo.tofficc at Lo Angeler, Cdifornla, undcr Act of March l' 1t79.

How Lumber Looks

Carl Crow, recognized autbority on Northwed lumber conditionq nla in irecent icsue of the "Oregoniad':

"A clore analyrir of thc lumbcr nrrlcct now rhowr thet it ir ln r vGry hcalthy condition.

'It mirht bc raid of thc prcrcnt dcnend that it ir thc nort con' rirtcnt tiat thc millr havc- cxpcricuced et rny timc rincc thc wrr' It ir truc that priccr havc bcln much highcr fqd $. opportunity io nalc -oo.i nuch grcatcr at rcveral- pcriodr, but therc bavc bccn bercd on-en ebnoimelly hcavy conrumption from romc one 6cld. Thc Lor rlngclcr boorn,at onc tinrc wer -taking lu-m-bcr -et ruch a r:etc rnd p.yioc priccr ro nuch bettcr qhen eould -bc ob' teincd chewhcrc thit millr fet ialend wcrc finding it highly pro' itrblc to pev the local frcieht on thcir productr to thG D.rrcrt Port .o r. to l"i irrto thc certo tradc. It war 6nc burincu whilc. it Iutrd. bu-t conrcrvrtivc l-unbcrncn knew that luch r condit-ion couid not hold. lt didn't. Today Celifornia ir thc pooicrt rnarkct thc uorthwcrt nillr hevc rnd thc Lor Aagelcr dirtrict that tncw no nturetion point ir not peying thc rnanufrcturarr cnough- for tbcir lumbcr to rivc thcn back thc cort of nanufacture. How' cvcn rbout thc timc thc Californlr ruerkct ltertcd to wcrkcn, thc Jepancrc csrtLquehc occurrcd and anothcr GYGn EorG hcctic rpurt briurht thc pricc of lumbcr up ruddcnly to rn unrgr.onablc barir, whcr-c it cotLprcd and left rcerr ou thc pockctbookr of thorc who rcfurcd to belicvc thet thcrc would bc an cnd to it.

Normal Buying Rulcr

"At the prercnt we havc an cntircly-diffcrcnt eituation. No onc conrumioj field ir buyiug in morc tban-a-cceronal volumc. In fact, romc- are eyen bciow, but thcy arc all in tbc merket.

'The dcmand ie in e:ccu of Production in rpitc of thc fact thrt thc nillr are turning out morG lumbcr cvcr-5r day then thcy har-e !t .ny tine rincc in ,[ugurt, 1921, when thcy werc, buried with Janenlec orderr. Morc millr rrc runuing crtra rhiftr now than thlrc were then. lt ir not porible for thc cut,to bc rtcpped up nuch. On thc othcr hend, ncw bueincer ii gridually coning in rn incrcaring footage."

The firrt and main part of the above ir largelv tnre, bril rhould not be taken, we do not t{rink, as a real criticiem of the Cdifornie retailer. He har had a ve4/ different ritua' tion to face the part rix monthr; oJ courre he paid--a high price and a nice pro6t to the millr, when he war relling all i[e naterial thai hc could get into his yard, end at a profiL Lately he har becn tuhing hir stockr at a- loar-, or-ro ncer the nargin between profit and red linee that he did not know coafuy whether hir rdee contained a profit irnot. Naturdly he war buying cl,ose ard war getting hir goodr at tte lowest price pogibl,e. Thece factr are earily confirrned and bear out thc oft repeated remrrkt about the California narket, "Bot[ the producer and the diruibutor are loring noncy on their rel6."

San Francirco O6gc 900 Matron Bld8. ! Phonc Grrfrcld !!10 i .l0i,

Soirtbern;.,Qficc 1 rnd Nadodril

Timeg are tettinc better at botb endr of the line. T.h' millr have a difiGrent attitude towerd Cdifornia ordere, in t[e pa"rt two weekr, and they are recdving better pricerr aprl morl inquirier. The yardr were radly rmdentocked abd ttey ane now buying, not cxcitedly, but F a normel' c<i1rirtint volume' anticipating tAe increared denand thfti-tt bound to'come, dl over the rtatg within eixty dayr. T++ to yotr banker, your red edrte man (x yo'rr builder eird they witl dl ray that thic state can confidently e:pect a gd fdl burineer

The Fir millr' lart report to tte Wegt Coatt Lumbenncn'r Aclociation, rhowed a week'l cut of 1O2 million feet lnd ttey rold, in the rame pcriod a total of 111 nillion. They have unGlled rail ordere for 5rlOO caru. j

The Redwood milts'show a wepk't production of rcven million, with ralec of the rame amount. l

Our San Frencirco corTespondent whet a.r followr, on $c morning of the 29th: i

FIR: The Catifomia demand for cargo ir good aFd market is firm. Pricee are at lea.rt $2.fl) higher than tlpy , twere tlnee weelc ago. There har becn a better demand for Clean and Commonr are rtrong. The Japan marketiir showing improvement and the Atlentic.Coart market; ir good.

The fir rail market ie rtrong end the volume of bruines good. Retail rtockc continue low and the mills are refufog to booh orderr for imrngliate deliveriel. Maoy wholeede concerns repgr.t a fine intreare in burinc$ during tte part two end.tlqlq weekr.

REDIVOOD: The Redwood market remainr ac{ive with the. demand in Northeh Califorria' rtill exceediry Sc demud in the routhern part of the rtate. A few concerilr report an increarc in the. volume of blnin€st booled during the part two weekr.

CALIFORNIA WHITE AND SUGAR PINE: Pine operatorr rcport tAe demand good with an increue'in the volrtrc of brrrbcs booked during.rrhe patt'two wee&i. Pricet arc renaining fifm. All the largermillr Nrc running to capacify.

It ic the gcncrd opinioo here ttat the lumber rnartct' ir improving with indicationr for a good mrrket'duing 6e fall monthr :i+'

-Re""iptr at San Pedro, up to the night of the 31*, riitl total clore to 125,(XX),OOO f€GL A bic month. :

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