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Wickersham New President of Los Angeles Hoo FIoo Club
The August 27th meeting of the Los Angeles lloo Hoo Club was an election afrair, electing officers for the coming year. Ballots were taken by mail, each man being given the opportunity to vote for his choice, from a list of nominees presented at last week's meeting.
W. B. Wickersham, manager of the industrial department of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was elected to serve as President.
C. S. (Clitr) Estes, associated with J. O. Means, was chosen for Vice-President, J. M. (Jimmie) Chase, with W. R. Chamberlin & Company, was named Secretary-Treasurer and the five Directors named were: Berne S. Barker, Pacific Ready Cut Homes; J. J. Rea, W. R. Chamberlin & Co.; F. M. Connelly, Woodhead Lumber Co.; C. J. I-augh- lin, Long-Bell Lrrmber Co. and B. W. Bookstaver, McCullough Lumber Co.
Frank Curran of the E. K. Wood Lumber Company and E. D. Tennant of the Los Angeles District Lumbermen's Club, acted as the Tellers Committee.
The meeting on this date was well attended, and the Golf Committee got in their work with the boys, announcing the monster tournament that is to be held on September 18. There is to be a contest between the Wholesalers and the Retailers, Frank Burnaby acting as captain for the retail bunch and Gus Hoover for the other gang. This promises to be good. The Committee is asking for a big turnout at this meeting, and are giving plenty of notice in advance.
Harry Hanson led the community singing.
Retiring President Hart announced that the new officers would officially take their chairs, with proper ceremonies, at the meeting on September 3.