1 minute read
Your Use of "Redwood Home Plans"
Should Now be Showing Up in Sales Results
Make this check of your sales. See how many of the prospects you first met through the distribution of "Redwood Home Plans" have been the cause of sales you have made.
Our only .purpose in publishing the book was to aid you directly in increasing your sales of redwood.
Whenever a prospect obtains the book and orders the complete plans and specifications for one of the homes shown in it, that should result in a sale of redwood.
And a properly aggressive sales effort on your part will bring the business to you. You have all the advantage.
The book is a big help. Dealers everywhere tell us so. If you are not seeing results, perhaps we can help analyze your problem. Or perhaps you haven't yet started to use the book.
We rvant you to get sales results. The book can not help us until it helps you.