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Hart Selected F or Snark at Los Angeles
Herman Rosenberg Recommended for State Counsellor
At the election held by the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club, on August 27th, the Club voted in favor of Phil B. Hart, Managing-Editor of "The California Lumber Merchant" to be recommended to St. Louis for appointment as Vicegerent Snark for the Los Angeles District.
Hart served last year as President of the Los Angeles Club, and prior to that has been identified in their activities in various committee work.
Herman L. Rosenberg of the Hipolito Company, Los Angeles, was unanimously selected by the Club for recommendation as State Counsellor. This office is filled by the St. Louis office, or by a member of the New Supreme Nine, and is by appointment, the selection generally being the man recommended by the members of the local Club.
Herman acted as Vicegerent Snark in L924, is a tremendously popular fellow among the boys and had no opposition in the voting.
New Yard To Open
The new Wagner Lumber and Mill Company, at Santa Barbara, is ready to open for business.
Mr. F. E. Johnson is manager of this new venture.
Publisher Talks To Ad Club
Mr. Jack Dionne, publisher of "The California Lumber Merchant," was the principal speaker at the August 19th meeting of the San Francisco Advertising Club, receiving I very flattering comment {rom the editor of their weekly "Ad-Age," in the current issue.
It said in part:
"Jack Dionne, publisher'of the Gulf Coast Lumberman of lfouston, Texas, and California Lumber Merchant of Los Angeles, then took his place on the speaker's stand.
"Desqribing himself, he said he was an itinerant lumber preacher, an exhorter, a wanderer over the face of our fair land preaching gospel to the Lumber industry-and the brother has never been ordained.
"We took his message, for we were interested in knowing what advertising has done for the Lumber industry; whal Lumber has done for advertising, and what advertising has meant to Lumber.
"Twenty years ago Mr. Dionne started writing lumber news and editorials designed to answer the age-old ques- tion, ''What's the matter with lumber?' He said he approached the problem from the standpoint of under-consumption rather than over-production. Of course, he got into hot water. Apparently his lily-white skin was not blistered, for he kept everlastingly at it. Before long he found others impressed by his argument, for in the lumber merchandising he found those rvho would follow his lead and take the board from the forest to the consumer.
"'Build the man,' says Mr. Dionne, 'and the man will buitd the business.' He-told us the story of cypress. Within two years, by consistent work and forceful consumer advertising campaigns, cypress became the highest-priced lumber, and even now holds an even keel. The dollars that rvere put in cypress publicity became a harvest of golden dollars. The forceful campaign brought home the bacon.
"For an enjoyable instant the speaker became the colored ' exhorter. He changed his manner of address; his voice became the voice of the Southern character of fiction. He said in prayerful fashion, 'Brethren and Sistern, when I ask de good Lord on high for a turkey I don't get no Thanksgiving bird. But, praise be, when I says to de Lord 'Send me after a turkey' I comes back with a gobbler.'
"And we all felt, after hearing Mr. Dionne, that when the boss sends us after more business we have new inspiration as a means of accomplishment.
"In the course of his talk, he introduced Augustus J. Russell, lumber magnate and inspiration of Peter B. Kyne for his famous story character'Augustus J. Riddell."'
A wonderful opportunity in a medium sized retail yard, well located on a three acre site with advantageous lease, doing good business in a growing territory. Will invoice, with equipment, about thirty thousand dollars, reasonable terms. Immediately adjacent to Los Angeles proper. Address Box 77-F, care California Lumber Merchant.
Loggers Reduce Forest Fire Loss
According to records of the California Forest Protective Association, California lumber operators suffered practically no loss from timber fires during the month of July.
Buy Retail
Wanted, to buy retail yard Southern California, twenty-five to fifty thousand investment. Address Box A-65, care California Lumber Merchant.