1 minute read
Age not Euaranteed-so-ii'tr:::trd for 20 years-,some less.
Nothing But Jackson
There is perhaps no fountain for colored stories in the South more prolific than that laid between the colored folks and the census taker, because of the screamingly funny answers the census takers DO get when trying to dig up information from those of the colored race.
If a census of funny colored stories were taken it is almost a certainty that census taker stories would lead all the rest. Here is the latest one that came this way.
He was the census taker.
She was a "cullud lady," and the scene was her front door.
"What is your name?" asked the census taker.
"Mansy Jackson," replied she.
"Are you married?"
"Vl/hat is your husband's name?"
"IIis name is Jackson too."
"I mean, what is his full name?"
"Well suh, when he gits full he thinks his name's Jack Dempsey, but when Ah gits thu wid him it's jest Jackson. Yassuh."