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Durable in eaerjt hind of use
HE durabiliry and beauty of oak flooring has long been unquestioned. Properly laid and given reasonable attention, it will last a lifetime.
More and more, Long-Bell trade-marked Oak Floors are being installed in ofices, hotels, club-houses, theatres, etc., where durability and beauty are demanded. Th.y are inexpensive by reason oftheir permanency and because less labor is needed to keep them in order. They are more economf,caL 4,e7 lear,of sentice than ordinary flooring.
The uniforrrr- durabilipy.,:gf,Lglg-Bell trade-marked oak flooring resists the daily wear thafri!9r,s9*mopr- iq"any business building. Its beauty lends an a$mosphere of modest dignity and character.
AsA Y34r Retail Lurnber Dealer for Long-Bell tfade-rnarled Oal Flooing