3 minute read
He Likes Grade Marking
Our August Fifteenth issue contained an editorial, on page 8, titled "Calif. Retail Lumbermen's Association Sant Lumber Grade Marked."
It told of a statement made by President C. W. Pinkerton, that the Association, at the next fall meeting, are go: ing to start a campaign to bring about the grade marking of all lumber entiring the state.
The article caught the eye of E. T. Robie. a live merchandiser living at Auburn, head of the Auburn Lumber Company, and he immediately sat dolvn, with pen in hand, and wrote as follows t ouburn. california
Mr. Jack Dionne, Aus' 19' 1925'
The California Lumbcr Mcrchant, Los Angeles, Calif.
I noticc your article on pagc E of the California Lurnber Mer-
You will regret the balance of your life, if you miss the big Los Angeles Tournament, on Septernber 18th, at the Wilshire Club. All lumbermen golfers (good or bad), are cordially invited to register and play, the fee for golf and dinner is $5.@, there will be lots of prizes and a bunch of fun. Communicate with F. M. Connelly, 5720 So. Main St., Los Angeles.
chant of August l5th relative to gradc marking lumber. Wc havc bcen having our lumber grade markcd for the past two or thrcc months, We use a rubber stamp the aame as the Southern Pinc Association has adopted with this difrercncc, that instead of a nuniber wc have an initial in a circle that idcntifies thc mill. We furnish the stamps and the mill docs the work free of charge. Wc have bccn able to get some of the bcst mills to gradc mark-but have had trouble gctting somc of the other good mills to do this.
Havc been talking grade marking for the last two or three years at our club meetings, but the majority havc been against us so rre decidcd "to go it alone."
Wc- hopc that gradc raagki_ng will becomc gencral in thc -vcry near future and arc very glad to sce you takc up this subject foi discussion,
James Wisnom, well known Peninsula lumberman and manager of the Wisnom Lumber Co., San Mateo, is on a four weeks' vacation trip. The first two weeks will be spent sojourning at Bartlett Springs near Chico. He will then leave for the Northwest, where he will spend trvo weeks visiting some of the mills in Oregon and Washington, and also renewing his acquaintanceship with many of his lumbermen friends in the Northwest.
services of this organization for the solution of theirtire problems.
They have been convinced thru experience that our corlvenient locations, our modern facilities and our expert knowledge of truck tires as related to various classes of hauling will result for them in the lowest possible cost per tire mile.
rickson, G. W. Fraser, J. E. Peggs, C. C. Stibick; R. E. Caldwell, L. A. Godard, C. R. Wilson, R. A. Hiscox, Frank Trower, A. B. Wastell, Henry Faull, F. S. Palmer, A. J. Russell, R. F. McArthur, M. L. Euphrat, Homer Maris, Frank O'Connor, E. A. Chamberlin, C. D. LeMaster, D. A. Williamson, Frank Minard, M. D. Johnson, C. G. Bird, Lester Elliott, Henry L. Wills, C. H. Griffin, Jr., Percy J. Brown, Chester E. Priest, H. A. Cahalan, Henry Hess, Wade Shifflett, and J. E. Martin.
Oscar H. Johnson, Albion Lumber Co., Chairman of the Committee on Prizbs, announced the following donators of prizes. Cash donations :-IJnion Lumber Co., $10.00; HartWood Lumber Co., $10.00; Hammond Lumber Co., $10.00; Albion Lumber Co., $5.00; J.R.Hanify Co., $5.00; William Smith Co., $5.00; W. R. Chamberlin & Co., $5.00; Andrew F. Mahoney Lumber Co., $5,00; J. M. Huddart Lumber Co., $5.00; "California Lumber Merchant," $5.00. I\{er- chandise Orders: Gus Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., $10.00; Al Nolan, Pacific Lumber Co., $10.00; Chas. R. McCormick & Co., $5.00; Van Arsdale-Harris, $10.00; R. A. Hiscox, $10.00; White House, $3.50; R. H. Carter, $2.50. Merchandise: Baker, Hamilton & Pacific, 1 Flectric Toaster, I Hot Point Iron, I Flash Light, 4 Hunting Knives; W. H. Worden Co., 1 Tow Rope; Waterbury Co., I Tow Rope; Pacific Lumber Co., Redwood Chest of Candy; R. G. Hiscox, Box of Candy; Fred Hamlin, 1 Felix Cat, 1 Teddy Bear; Harry Gaetjen, 2 Boxes of Neck Ties; Robert M. Reilly, Box of Cigars; Bert Johnson, 2 Boxes of Candy; H. J. DeVries, I Fountain Pen; G. N. Whiteside, Box of Candy; Howard M. Gunton, I Boy's Knife; J. E. Martin, Box of Candy.

Ice cream was furnished by Buchanan & Russell, wholesale lumber dealers; of San Francisco. They also provided the services of two young'ladies, who during the afternoon and evening, distributed over 1000 individual boxes of ice cream to the picnickers.
Leader in Redwood Publicity Contest
The Redwood Publicity Contest that has attracted so much interest all through the state, is running at fever heat, and at this writing the leadership was being hotly fought for by the pictured gentleman, Mr. Fred Burgers, of the Union Lumber Companl', in the Bay District, and Mr. R. E. Seward, rvho sells Dolbeer & Carson products, in the Los Angeles District.
According to Mr. Fred Holmes, of the Holmes Eureka Lumber Company, more and more interest is being shown each rveek, by the dealers as well as the salesmen.
The Contest is a splendid way to provide a deserved boost for Redwood, it will bring a host of profitable ideas to. the retailers, and will do a lot of good.
If you haven't yet taken part, it is a good time to start.