3 minute read
HARSCH & MIttER, lVlanufacturers
East Side Mill & Lumber Co., Distributors PORTLAND, OREGON
: Little Jimmie and Little Ikey had been having lots of fun together for several days, but one day when Ikey started into Ji;nmie's yard, Jimmie waved him regretfully away.
"My papa says I can't pl:iy with you any more," said the little fellow.
"Vy not?" asked Abey..
"Because you are a Jew" replied Jimmie.
How often you hear that remark from some man, when you ask him to attend some business club luncheon, where he can sit, talk, sing, laugh and let his soul expand with his fellow men.
"Oh, dots all right!' said Ikey, smilingly, "tell your papa ve ain't playing for money.r'
From The Eton School Song
The sand of the river is sodden red, Red with thi wreck of a square that broke; The gatling's jammed aqd the Colonel's dead. And the regiment blind with dust and smoke. The river of Death has brimmed its banks, And England's far and Honor a name, But the voice of a school boy rallies the ranks, "Play up ! Play up ! and play the game."
The Only Way Out
A negro with an injured head came into the doctor's office.
"Hello, Sam. Got cut again, I see."
"Yassuh. Ah gits carved up wid a razuh."
"Why donit you keep out of bad company, and you won't get hurt so often?" asked the doctor.
"Ah'd like to" replied Sam, "but Ah cain't git nuff money togetheh to buy a divo'ce."
Your Mental Attitude
I find that the way I am treated in the day's work depends upon the state of mind I bring into it.
If I enter a circle of men whom I take to be superior to me I am likely to be snubbed. : If I impute to them the feeling that I am inferior, I will not fail to be inferior.
If I am self-confident, I awaken confidence.
If I cringe, I make others want to step on me.
If I am cheerful, cheerfulness is handed me by others.Crane.
At Vaudeville
Never look at your program at a vaudeville show.
Half the pleasure of such a show is not knowing how rotten the next act is going to be.
That remark isn't a good sign, for the fellow who makes it. He hasn't thought enough about living. If he dropped dead today, the world would rock along without him, and never wobble on its axis a single time, yet he can't figure that he can leave for an hour at noon to do something that is good for everyone that is really worth while.
The thoughtful man-the really successful man-has learned the value of brotherhood. He considers it a part of a successful business.
When a man tells you "I can't get away from my business" tell him to change the record.
No Royal Road
Isn't it splendid that princes and kings, And clowns that caper in sawdust rings, And all the folks we meet every day, Must.all learn golf in the same old way?
To each is given a bag of tools, A fock of ambition, a bunch of rules, And each must carry the duffer's load, For golf, my friends, knows no royal road.
Every Day
It was Emerson who wrote: "Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and some absurdities no doubt, crept in; forget them as soon as you can."
The Everett Lumberjack
S. J. Maakestad, Tilden Lumber Co. Ay vork op in mill all de sommer, Vit de Iris and Svedes an de Yanks, An ay tal yu its hard tu shase all over de yard, An loading op timbers an planks.
De tallyman gives me a ticket, An talls me tu hurry along, So ay mak it real snappy an tu show dat I'm happy, Ay sing em a funny Svede song, De Boss his name is Macomber, And he gives me hal like de rest, But ay tink vats de use so ay got plenty of snu!, So ay yust keep on doing my best.
De pay coms round pretty often, An dey bring me 'a little vite slip, An ay tal yq its funny tu have lots of money, Vit a bottle of moon on de hip.
Ag got me a girl her names Hilda, An ve go up town tu a show, I hol Hilda's hand vile ve lissen tu de band, An I'm glad I'm her regla bo.
Ay tank ay skol marry dis Hilda, Of course ay ent ask her qvite yet. But efn she'll be my vife I'll stay in Everett for life; It's better den Sveden yu bet.