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When you recommend ttWeavertt Roofing you knowthattime will justify all of your claims. You know that the Weavei Roof Company -men whose sincerity of purpose is beyond question-will bach you to the limit.
There is a world of satisfaction in selling a proved product. Naturally, the most important thing about roofing is the material used in its manufacture. Just to remind yeu-"Weavertt Roofing is maale of the highest grade of genuine ragfelt, completely saturated with "Weayer" weather-resisting compound. The lhoroughnesE of the "\il'eavertt procesr takes care of the rert.
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Mt. J. C. Dionne, publisher of "The California Lumber Merchint" and the Gulf Coast Lumberman, will spehk at the first day's session of the Thirty-Fourth Annual of Hoo Ffoo, at Spokane, September 14th.
Porter Invites Golfers
A. L. Porter, Spokane, Publicity Chairman for the 34th Annual of Hoo Hoo at Spokane next month, has addressed a letter to all Hoo Hoo golfers planning to attend the meeting, urging them to bring their sticks and participate in the tournament.
Al is very enthusiastic about theit beautiful course at Spokane, saying:
"This course is probably the only one in the entire west that can boast at this season of the year of a beautiful green turf on all fairways from the number one tee to the eighteenth putting green."
Col. W. B. Greeley, Chief of the United States Forest Service, has accepted an invitation to address the Thirtyfourth Annual of Hoo Hoo, at Spokane, Wash. He will be on the program September 15th, the second day of the three-days meeting.
Snark-of the Universe Jim Allen extended the invitation to Col. Greeley on behalf of the Order.

You will regret the balance of your life, if you miss the big Los Angeles Tournament, on September 18th, at the Wilshire Club. All lumbermen golfers (good or bad), are cordially invited to register and play, the fee for golf and dinner is $5.00, there will be lots of prizes and a bunch of furr. Communicate with F. .M. Connelly, 5720 So. Main St., Los Angeles.
Susanville Hoo Hoo Hold Big Black Cat Picnic
The Susanville Hoo Hoo Club had one grtnd and glorious day of sport and fun, at their big picnic and outing held at F. G. S. Co. Beach, Eagle Lake, on Sunday, August 23. The affair offered plenty of sports and diversion. There was swimming for those who desired to take a dip and the following contests were open to all Cats desiring to show their athletic skill: Fat Man's Race, Egg Race, Race for Pleasing Plump Girls, Potato Race, Watermelon Eating Contest, Barn Yard Golf, Three Legged Race, and other special attractions. The Club furnished the coftee and ice cream for the Picnickers.
The Susanville Hoo Hoo Club is one of the most active clubs in the state. George R. Gunning, prominent White and Sugar Pine lumberman, is president of the Susanville Club.
Low Rates To Annual
R. S. Brown, Spokane, Chairman of the Transportation Committee, on the coming 34th Annual Concatenation of lloo Hoo, has advised the Club Presidents throughout the country that all the interested railroads have authorized. a certificate plan fare of one and one-half fare from all points in California, to Spokane.
"The tariff requires that individuals taking advantage of certificate plan fares must return via the going route, and as there are now in effect summer tourist fares from all points in California to Spokane, 'which are on the average about $5.00 higher than the total certificate plan fare would be, but which permits optional routing returning, undoubtedly many of the members would prefer to take advantage of the latter fare."
At the monthly meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, held at the Oakland Hotel on August 21, the speaker of the day was Henry L. Todd. Mr. Todd, formerly a banker but who during the past several years has carried on research work in history,' had for his subject, "The Constitution of the United States." His address was very interesting and instructive and rvas thoroughly enjoyed by the large attendance at the luncheon.
Jack Dionne, publisher of the California Lumber Merchant, was among' those present and was called on to tell a few of his favorite stories.
President Hugh Hogan presided over the business session of the meeting. lle announced the following Nominating Committee to bring in the names of the candidates for officers to be voted on for the new Hoo Hoo year: J. E. Neighbor, Chairman; Harry Call, Clyde Spears, James McNabe, and C. F. Ricker. The next meeting will be held on September 18.
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Resume Weekly Luncheons
President Hart called the August 20th meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club to order, the first meeting since last June when a summer recess was declared, with about fifty of the faithful in their seats, all seemingly glad to be back.
No entertainment program was offered as this was the day for receiving nominations for officers for the Club for the coming year, as r'vell as for the District's selection for Snark andJor State Counsellor. '
Details of this election u'ill be found elsewhere in this issue. A collection rvas taken, in lieu of the usual fines, and the money turned over to Past Snark Curtis Williams, to be sent to the Los Angeles fund being raised for Santa Barbara relief. The donation totalled twenty dollars.
There was considerable discussion on the coming Golf Tournament, the fourth and last for the year, under the direction of the capable Golf Chairman, Frank M. Connelly, of the Woodhead Lumber Company, Los Angeles. Frank is arranging a monster affair, planning to have golfers from all over the state competing in the various events, and he guarantees that this will be the biggest and best ever held. The date is September 18th, at the Wilshire Country Club, 18 holes and dinner in the evening.

The Los Angeles Club will hold its election at the meeting on the 27th.
Prof. E. G. Linsley, of Mills College, and Director of Chabot Observatory, Oakland, was the speaker of the day at the regular luncheon of Hoo Hoo Club No. 9 on Thursday, August 13, at the Palace Hotel. His subject was "Evolution." Prof. Linsley gave an excellent talk on the subject dealing with Evolution from the scientists' standpoint. In referring to the recent Scope's trial at Dayton, Tennessee, which was the cause of much publicity for several weeks, he stated that this case was a matter of violating a state law and not the determination of a scientific question.
President Rod Hendrickson presided over the business session. Reports were heard from R. A. Hiscox, Chairman of the On-to-Spokane Committee; and Garnet Fraser, Chairman of the Transportation Committee for the Hoo Ffoo Annual. Fred Roth- also made a report on the progress of the Hoo Hoo Picnic. Forrest Wilson was the winner of the Attendance Prize, a beautiful bill folder.' There was an excellent musical entertainment that consisted of violiri solos by Miss Seavy, with Miss Mc{-aughlin acting as her accompanlst.
George Roberts will act as Chairman of the Day at the, meeting on August 27.
Fresno to Hold Concatenation
Vicegerent Snark Martin D. Johnson, of Fresno District, has just announced the date of their next Concatenation as September 14th.
Martin states that it had been their intention of holding the meeting during the summer months, but, finding it impractical, had decided upon a date just after the Annual at Spokane, giving all of their members a chance to attend that important event, then attending the big party, at Fresno.
This hustling Snark also proudly proclaims few days the San Joaquin Valley will be IOO%; that this Concat will witness the enrollment of eligibles in their district.
that in a Hoo Hoo, all of the
Seattle Hoo Hoo Club Elects Officers
Sam P. Johns, Jr., sales manager of the-Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Company, was elected president of the Seattle Hoo Hoo Club for the ensuing year, at the annual election of officers held at the club's luncheon meeting August 13.
Roland C. Williams, was elected first vice-president, Roy A. Dailey second vice-president, and Phil G. Hilditch, secretary-treasurer. Lou R. Fifer was elected Vicegerent Snark of Seattle district, and Alvin Schwager, retiring president, C. C. B,ronson and Sherman L. Johnson rvere appointed to the board of directors.
Officers rvill be installed at the annual banquet to be held September 10 at the Seattle Yacht Club.
Spokane Hoo Hoo Club Elects Officers
At a meeting held August 7th, Edward J. Rowles of the McGoldrick Lumber Company was elected president of the Spokane Hoo Hoo Club, to succeed James Brown of the Long Lake Lumber Company.
Other officers elected were: Knute Engdahl, vice-president; Robert Meigs, treasurer, and Roy R. Myers iecretary. David Spoor, Bert Bartelson, James Brown. Oscar Noth and Ennis Massie are the members of the executive committee. William Ramshaw was unanimously nominated as Vicegerent.