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of Celifonia
Manufacturcn of Dougler Fir rnd Port Orford Ccdar.
Sawmilb, Manh6cl4 Oregon
Dbtributing Plant Bay Poinr
Annurt Pr,oduction 2(X),0(X),0(X! Fect enjoying a building boom. six houses are in process of reported brisk in other sec-
Nevada County. The Hobart averaging 190,000 feet of lumber report a satisfactory season. The stands of pine timber, and so far very little from forest fires.
Redding, Shasta Co.
Est4te Company mill is per day, and the owners company owns some fine this season have suffered
On August 22, the Red River Lumber Company shipped two large truck loads of oak, approximately 5,000 board feet, from the vicinity of Montgomery Creek to the veneering plant at Westwood, where extensive experiments will be made to determine the utility of this wood for veneering purposes. Both white and black oak abound on the company's land near Montgomery creek. This timber has been held to be of small value; but if it can be worked up and utilized to good advantage in veneering work, it will become one of the company's distinct assets.
Emil Swanson On Vacation
Emil Swanson, proprietor of the Eagle Rock Lumber Company, is-enjoying_a.three weeks' fishing and hunting trip, taking in Lake Tahoe, Fallen Leaf Lake and othei interesting points.
He left home on August ITth and will return about Sep- tember 7th.
_._Ife wrote to_the-publication ofifices of this journal, saying: "Please send the September First issue to mL at Fallen'Leif Camp, Lake Tahoe, California. I Do Not Want To Miss A Single Issue."
We like that.
Four new charge type natural draft kilns 11x104 ft. are being installed -by !'clipse Mill Company, Everett. Washington, Harry lM. Stuchelf President. Tne equipment is being fgrnished by Moore Dry Kiln Company, Noith portland. They are also installing Moore's Asbeitos protected Metal Fire-Proof Dry Kiln Doors. The new kilns are expected to be ready for operation the 20th of August.
Loa AngCet Oftcc, r c,ortrrl Blds.
Why Sell Redwood?
1| NE of our good dealer friends in a recent letter jokingly v remarked that from his standpoint one of Redwood'r big disadvantages is its permanence-its great durability meker replacements unnecessary. Nothing short of a cyclone will destroy Redwood. Fungus does not rot it and worms and insects leavc it alone. It is a slow burner. Thoroughly painted, it looks well a long time. Even unpainted, it still resists decay. A Redwood house needs little repairing. But thi3 dealer keeps right on ordering Redwood. He finds that telling these sad facts about Redwood to his customers does not drive them away.
Sometimes he even ventures to remark that accordirg to thc U. S. Government Report entitled 'Physicol, Mcchaticol ottd Chemical Properties of Redwoot' there isn't any othcr wood, either soft or hard, that averages as high on durabill:tg, hch of shrinhage, strength as a beam .or post, ease of glucing, utorkability and ability to "stay put."