4 minute read
Big Building Volume In July
Iulv building permits in 205 representative cities reached a iotit of $S+O]3b0,103, according to the reports of the-?05 building departments to F. W. Dodge Corporat-ion. thi: total das viry nearly equal to that of June and was a 43 Der cent increase over Tulv of last year. One hundred and iwenty-four cities showed-gains over the -previous July and eighty-one cities s'howed losses from the .previous July' D"uring the past seven months there has been a general sain ii total-building volume of l2 per cent over the coriesponding period o( tgZ+. At the end of -June- th.e gain over last !.it *as only 8 per cent..- ,F.ven New York City, which counts so heaviiy in the building total, gained very considerably in July; now being only -6- per cent .behind last year, -hereit a month ago it was 15 per cent behind'
Among the 20 cities whose figures a-re separately tabulated oil this page, 15 are now ahead of last ye-ar on total construction volume to date; that is, all,-except New- York' Atlanta, New Orleans, Baltimore and Milwaukee' Buffalo caught up during July, having been slightly behind at the end of lune. The largest percentage galns have been ln Kansas tity, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and .Chicaso. Total permits in these twenty cities show a galn o-t 8 ier cent ovir last year. Their July record was about 63 per cent over that of last July and 7 per cent over that of Tune.
A-ong the cities outside of the-special list of 20, there were 20 irore whose July records showed decided advances over the previous J,tiy. 'In each of the t9lt9y^i1q^20 cities, i"ri tr,ondh'. p.t-it. iotalled more than $1,000,000 and the gain over the corresponding month .of last year was- nlore in"" ZO per cent: dakland, San Diego, Lakeland (Fla')'
Miami, Tampa, Evanston, Peoria, Louisville, Omaha, Elizabeth, Jersey City, Newark, Albany, Yonkers, Canton, Columbus (phio), Dayton, Toledo, llouston and San Antonio.
Valuation Of Permits In
Whltc Pina
Unlvcnity Braud Sbln3lcl
Strgiar Pine
2057 E" 15th st.
Lumber Plant Fire
Citizens' Lumber Company at Selma, Aug. 13, suffered a $75,000 loss. Spontaneous combustion and defecting wiring are advanced as possible causes.
Pecific Coart Lumber Productr l2l4 Inrurauce Exchangc Bldg, Lor Angeler, Cal.
Graye Harbor Ycllry Flr Pancls
Vcrtical Graln Yellow Flr Doorc Garagc Dore
Sandcd Flnlrh
Larch, Hculoch or Ccdu Novclty SldhS
Mlxed Carr Yard Stock Rall Shlpncnt
TUcker 8641
Wbcn You Necd Lunrbcr' Cdl Ttb Numbcr Log Angclcr
You will regret the balance of your life, if you miss the big Los Angeles Tournament, on September 18th, at the Wilshire Club. All lumbermen golfers (good or bad), are cordially invited to register and play, the fee for golf and dinner is $5.00, there will be lots of prizes and a bunch of fun. Communicate with F. M. Connelly, 5720 So. Main St., Los Angeles.
More Than 400 Attend Whitney Picnic
The 3rd annual picnic of The Whitney Company, Garibaldi, Oregon, was held August 16 at the Hannenkrat ranch, and was a most enjoyable affair for all of the 400 odd people who attended.
All the athletic events were keenly contested, the log rolling being perhaps the most spectacular of these. This was won by Wm. Doyle, logging superintendent of The Whitney Company. The married men won the baseball game, beating the single men 7 to 2.
Mr. Russell Hawkins, president of the company, was unable to be present, but in his message, read by Harry E. Morgan, general manager, thanked the workers for their loyalty, and impressed on all present the importance of play in their lives. Mr. Morgan also spoke, referring to the success of the company's business, which he attributed to the fine co-operation of all the men. who had it in their power to makeihe mill "a good place to work."
F. N. Siegmund, sales manager, handled the athletic events. and found time to rvin the fat men's race himself.
Medium Priced Homes Now Greatest Need
The housing shortage has been reduced principally to a need for small homes, according to Grace J. Landon, statistician of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. Small homes, she finds, cost an average of $4000 each. Although such homes cost more than they did several years ago, she states, they afiord more comfort. Also she directs attention to the fact that people, taken as a whole, now can afford more,
The percapita wealth in the continental United States was $2918 in L922 as against $1950 10 years earlier. In 1880 it was but $900.
At a recent meeting of the Susanville Hoo Hoo Club No. 37, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Geo. R. Gunning; Vice-President, R. E. Barrington; and Secretary-Treasurer, Roy H. Shotwell.
"Log Cabin" Is Latest Redwood Specialty Product
The Redwood Sales Company, of San Francisco, has a new product on the market, which they call "Log Cabin." It is Redwood sawn to either 3 by 6, or 4 by 6, and the edges on one side rounded off, so that it looks from that side like a small Redwood log with the bark off. This stuff is used as a siding for cabins, rustic cottages, etc., giving the appearance of a log house. The siding is tongue and grooved, and thus make a very solid and substantial wall, requiring no sheeting, and no inside wall unle,qs one is desired.
Prompt Delivery

Added equipment now enables us to guarantee full shipments of Perfection Brand Oak Flooring upon receipt of order.
The demand for Perfection has increased so rapidly that for the past season we have been scarcely able to keep up with this demand.
This growing popularity of Perfection can only be due to the perfect matching, uniform grading, and our national advertising in the leading home magazines.
We have some attractive folders and a new beautifully illustrated book which we will supply for distribution among prospective home builders. Ask for samples and full information.