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Twohy Lumber Co.
22 | Kerckholf Bldg.
Loe Angeles, BDwy. 0843
CARGO-Fir, Redwood, Sugrr Pine-RAIL
Wc can always ".tpply Fir Columne and Drain Boardg from gtock
Erclueivc Southern California Agents E. J.
Redwo od
Sc re en Doors and Windo$r Screens of Enduring Quality
The cardinalfeature of all Hipolito Screen Doors and Window Screens is their high quality.
From t:he carefully selected, old growth California Sugar Pine, chosen for its non-warpi . g, non-shrinking qualities, right through every step of manufacture quality is the first consideration.
Highlv standardized manufacturing metfrodsspecialized operations-quantity productionplaces Hipolito Screen Doors and Window Screens on a price basis tlrat meets competition, yet affording the highest quality screen doors and window tcreens on the market.
Write for our catalog and price list.
There Are Now Eighty Five Redwood Sign Boards on Califoinia Roads
Through the efforts and with the support of the California Redwood Manufacturers Association and their merchandising campaign in this state, there are now 85 at' ,tractive Redwood Sign Boards scattered about the roads of California, all the way from Mount Shasta to San, Diego.
The signs are as attractive to the eye as any that can be found in California today, and the plan of cooperation with the dealer which the Association created seems to be a very satisfactory one. The dealer furnishes the board, and the Redwood Association paints it and keeps it painted.
"Ask your dealer for Redwood home plans," is the latest slogan to go on the sign boards.
You will regret the balance of your life, if you miss the big Los Angeles Tournament, on September 18th, at the Wilshire Club. All lumbermen golfers (good or bad), are cordially invited to register and play, the fee for golf and dinner is $5.00, there will be lots of prizes and a bunch of fun. Communicate with F. M. Connelly, 5720 So. Main St., Los Angeles.
Weyerhaeuser Will Build Three Mills At Longview
Longview, Wash., Aug. 2O.-Three mills, one each for fir, hemlock and cedar. will be built here, construction on the first one to be started in December, by the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., R. A. Long, chairman, board of directors the Long-Bell Lumber Co., announced last night, on information rtceived from George S. Long, manager the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Tacoma. One mill at a time rvill be built, the first unit to be completed, it is expected, some time next spring.

Weyerhaeuser employes, it is estimated, will need not fewer than 500 new houses. Preparations have been made to build 350 new homes for added Long-Bell employes, so the total number of new homes necessary to house these two groups alone, before mid-summei 1926, is placed at 850.
Ted Lerch On Southern California Trip
Ted Lerch, sales manager of the Albion Lumber Co., San Francisco, was a recent visitor in Southern California on company business. He visited Los Angeles and San Diego, *heie he looked over market conditions. He was in the South about ten days.
Miss Leona Perkins And Miss Louise Hinch Touring Northwest
Miss Leona Perkins and Miss I.ouise Hinch, associated with San Francisco office of Chas. R. McCormick & Co., are on a two weeks' vacation trip touring the Northwest. They plan to spend some time at St. Helens, C)regon, where they will be the guests of Miss Perkins' sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin McCormick. Mr. McCormick is the general manager of the McCormick mill operations at St. Helens. They will return to San Francisco around the first of September.