1 minute read
"There are no BetterVeneerstt
Age does not always bring perfection. Experience without progress does not mean a better product. For 36 years Louisville has been manufacturing veneers and plywood on this spot, but the mills have changed, and the equipment, and the methods, to keep pace with tomorrow's needs. Only the goal has remained the same.
No matter what you manufacture, doors, special millwork, or furniture, there is a Louisville Veneer to suit your purpose.
'We manufacture veneera and plywood in all domestic hardwoods and Mahogany. Modern equip' ment and methods assure you a uniform product that has become a standard. Proof of this fact is in a trial order. Try us.
Right in Los Angeles there is a large stock of veneera and plywood in stock sizes for your convenience.
Write loclr. Loggin3 Sccncr or Srw Mill Vicwr.
Priccr NOII|: 15x30 in., f25O; Zh30 ia, $350; 15160 in. f6.00; 2O160 or 30r,O in' $750. t:10 printr, $6 pcr dozMailed on Approval to Reeponeible
JOHN D. CRESS, rsr lrcvcnth Avcnur ttFoFest Fotografe/' scrttlc' YY'hbrtm