3 minute read
JackDiorne ,prbl*hn
Incorpcrtcd ua&r thc bwr ol Grllford,r J. C, Dto!., Prc. ald Trcg.; J. E. Marth' Vlcc-Prcr.; A. C. Mcrrynur, Jr., Sccy. PubIrhcd tf,c lrt end ltth oI orch noth at 3rs-1e.20 CENTRAL BUTLDING, LOS ANGELES, CAL, TELEPHONE VArdl}. .9.5 Entcrcd u liccoad-cleo mttcr llaptcnbcr A, ll8?r et thc Potofflcc rt Lc Angclar' Crllfmb' '-dcr Act d Much !, f!ft.
How Lumber Looks
Generally speaking, the California market har not chown very much change during the past two weeks. The demand continues better than during the month of July. There has been no improvement in prices.
Up to the night of August 29, the cargo arrivalr at San Pedro will run close to 115,000'000 ft. The car' go arrivals for August will be approximately 120'000'OOO ft. This is an increase over the monttr of July when the cargo arrivals at this port totaled ll0'210'' Ofi) ft. 27 boats are reported as tied up. At San Pedro; there is lecs than 10,000,00O ft. of unsold lumber which contains a large amount of undesirable items and is not affecting the market to any extent. In the los Angeles market, all grades of Fir flooring are reported firmer and the ahingle market has also showed strengthening. The demand for lath ig not very active. There is less unsold fir cargo ctock arriving than a montrh ago.
A report from San Francisco states that there has not been as much Fir cargo arriving as formerly which is keeping prices steady. The Douglas Fir rail demand continues to hold up and moet of the wholecalers report a fair volume of business. Many of the
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Advcrtiring Rrtcr on Applicrtiol
Bay Dirtrict wholecalers state that they are having difficulty buying their rail requirements at the prices being offered.
There has been considerable demand for export Douglas fir with no change in prices, although Jap Squares are reported a little firmen
The Fir mills have strengthened their prices considerably on cutting business. There are no large stocks of unsold lumber on the docks at the cargo mills. A shortage of logs is reported on Grays Harbor which has already forced down a few mills.
REDWOOD. The Redwood market continues firm. There ia still a scarcity of the lower grades at the mills and the demand for uppers has shown some improvement. Pricea show no change but remain firm.
California White and Sugar Pine. Prices are ateady with a good volume of business all along tlre list. Shop and the loryer gradee are over sold with a fair demand for uppers. The export demand has been reported very good.
The building permits for Loe Angeles for the montrh of August will run around $12,fi)O,000. The July permits totaled $9,286,200.
Big Millwork Merger in Los An$eles
The American Manufacturing & Sales Corporation, of Los Angeles, has been granted a California charter, with $1,000,000 capitalization. Its formation is an interesting one.
It has been created to act as a Darent concern to a host of rvorthy millwork institutions in Southern California, and at present comprises in its membership the following concerns:
The American Building Material Service, with offices at Corona, Pomona, and San Bernardino.
The American Door Company, Pasadena.
The American Door Company, Los Angeles.
The American Manufacturing Company, Los Angeles.
The Crown Sash, Door and Mill Company, Los Angeles.
The Harbor Sash, Door & Mill Company, Harbor City.
The Herzog Sash & Door Company, Los Angeles.
The West Adams Lumber Company, Los Angeles.
The personnel at present includes C. R. Blankenship, Fred Cohnan, H. P. Dixon, T. O. H. Herzog, George Hopkins, and A" D. Squires.
The parent organization will, for the present, direct its efforts mainly as a purchasing department for the member companies, and a coordinating of their activities, to the end that costs may be reduced, duplication may be eliminated, uniformity may be developed, ahd the public the better served. The details will develop as they go along, but the directors feel that in creating this parent organizatioq they are following the best thought and ideals of modern business success, and choosing a road which the experience of other men in this and other lines of industry the nation over, have proven to be wise and practical.
The membership of the parent organization is not closed, and its construction is such that its membership may be added to at any time, when a worthy institution desires admittance.
We are now ready to offer you lumber and lath in car lots at San Pedro which we have placed there for immediate delivery.
The seasonal increase in Fall business requires us to keep on hand just the items you will need for this demand.
We trust you will take advantage of this service in addition to the other features so important to you in our direct mill to dealer organization.