6 minute read
Now, That MIC's Long Beach Party is Over There Should Be a Report and Some Comments
George Kaiser ' got away with huge measures of near- Charlie Miller, Brownie and the Screen King wore badges beer. Whgg not engaged in that between-session activity, labeled "Metamorphosis." That's what they commithe- spent his time in studious _contemplation of the art ted all right. The dictionary explains it as: "A passing exhibit in the Frontier R99-. ._George seemed particularly from oneJorm or shape into-anot-her. Complete transfor-exalted over the compo_sition "Everyman at the Court of mation in character, purpose, circumstances, etc." After Queen Pulchritude." Somehow, that mastdrpiece fould these three guys got dbne doing their stufi, they-meaning a_ respolsive chord ,in George's esthetic temperment. The the gang as wett is the three-were fit to live with, but not charcoal sketches also met with his endorsement, although in peace-. he stated afterwards that the sketch "Then the-Light W-ent Earnie Blackman, that dark, silent man from the north, Out" is lacking in power and technique-whatever that *". ,""r, .,""fting ilalf a d.ozen of his pi"yrn"t.. op "rrd means' , , down Ocean Boulevard just before the dawn Friday morn^.{. y:t, no on!.has been able to explain.-wl-r_ere Bill irrg. Earnie *"r.iruggii"gr"""f"lfy io [..p ihe oihe, firre o'Keeffe., Percy Dixon, H.arry Gaetjen and Bill {"yy"I{ frfim saggins, bui it p"t"o""i to be to'o much for him and he pu_t_in the twrclve h.ourlimrnediately preceding th-e 9.:30 finally.-fi.a-ji" "rrd ?r"d tb be hustled to the plunge to be A.M. session, Thursday, July 28th. A special investigating revived. tt*:t-tt'tt-:.hff]d.,?"",:i:1.: i""o-'- -^.,. L^LL-. rr^ L-^ L^ Bill Goddard and his "Thundering Herd" put in all their
Harry, by the way, now has a new hobby. He has become an aurnorrry tn the held ot trme and motlon studtes. spare time on the roof' They kept Fred awfully busy-and ry: , .! , . he was all set to throw them out. Then Bill resorted to 'Errs explanatton or a new system wnlcn ne developed tor bribery. That low-down, son-of-a-sticker-hand was seen the Ford factory, whereby one operator attaches a fender, clips off the oJirage of the bolts and at the same time to pass over two bits' sweeps ofi ll,o72 square feet of factory floor, illustrates -.I'-ttd |-pgl-ttl, -Emory N-utting, Clyde Speer and Wave his fiile grasp of the subject. That,s the itufi, Harry. The Tilden all did their best to load up wi_th enthusiasm as soon industry-r".'a" *oi" such researches. -----' -----J as the sessions were ov€r, but they hardly ever got a fair Fred'Callisen came to the party attired in ,,rompers.,' start before there would come a command.to_ report to the Whether he ever got to HollywJod, where suctr itrint. Breakers Hotel. Those orders were carried out without are quite the thingl had not been deiermined upon goin-t delay. ett r-o1t guys who "stag it" should appreciate when to press. You're well off'
Ttre Ug question of the entire convention was: "'Why Todhunter and Pau.l Hallingby received in the Tea Room did Fran-i< -Martell insist on stopping at the Breakers Friday hight. Ed Nicholson was there too and if anygne Hotel?" Was he putting one oveion [he gang? Itlooks not,present wants a -report of the reception either Tod or bad, Frank * Paul or Ed can supply it.
Recen_tly, tr maybe it has been growing on him right Elmore King only changed clothes three times during along, Nat Edwards has become the most critical guy in the convention. Also, he wore a mended shirt, which he the millwork industry. The thing that he objects to now explained his terrier had torn.In view of these things is the educational films provided by Lou McKesson's com- he stands to lose his position as "The Best Dressed Lummittee. Nat claims that he was bored stifi throughout their berman on the Pacifii Coast." That's not all either. He showing. Says Nat, "Between business sessions-, millwork made Otto Burmeister shell out five bucks to get by the conventions_ should provide relaxation, and in liberal quan- door Friday night, and he got at least seventeen more tities, and I for one, am _very much opposed to showing dollars from some of the othei boys. All this money went educational films, especially on such subjects as we cai towards putting on a private pirtyfor Elmore, "Henry get anytime in any Oakland movie-house." This is a pub- Swafford -and fom Meiiell. lic acknowledgment_of the logic of Nat's criticism -and Charlie Munson and Alvin Warden were all set to even though Billy Glasson's view are just the reverse of go to Tia Juana, but they decided that Tia Juana had been \.t': position, , future committees on "Arrangements" Erought t6 Long Beachj so why move. BLb Gtani, howshg.gld be guided accordingly.- ever,"wanted to"see eveiythingjso he beat it for ttre bor-
Those curious. guys who climbed the balcony stairs- in der early Saturday 111o.tiing. -'gon ""ti"inly is " nog iot the Tower to look behind the closed doors, got ah eyeful of punishment thrill that- they did not expect-. Vic Boell and Howard ^ For a guy retired from the millwork business Eilt ptint Coor-Pender registered ev-erything from astonishment and -"trrg"d"to get up plenty of enthusiasm. Ife's on a diet anticipation to futility and despair. now Ind proiably *ill iecorre..
Hal Baley On Point Of Contact
"We consider that every man in our organization who meets the public in any way is an important point of contact and should keep that thought in mind and act accordingly in order that he may reflect credit on our concern and our business. We insist that every man in this organization from the truck drivers to the department heads remember that fact, and we find that it brings fine results. Only the other day a lady phoned in to me and said she wanted us to know that one of our truck drivers was the most courteous and polite man in his line of business she had seen in Los les, and she thousht we in Los Angeles, thought ought to know it. Nothing could have pleased me more. And we want all of our eryployes to work for the same sort of impression. We find it is good for our business."
This fine little business sermon was preached to a California Lumber Merchant man the other day by Mr. Hal Baley, General Manager of The Consolidated Lumber Company of Wilmington and Los Angeles. There is much food for thought in his remarks, and other firms might well follow that same example.
B. W. "Bobby" Byrne, secretdry of the Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, Ieft on August 19 for a two weeks' vacation touring the Northwest. He plans on visiting many ,of the scenic points of interest in "The Charmed Land." He will also call on his many hardwood friends in the Northwest territory and visit iome of the large Fir rnills in the Puget Sound and Portland districts. His faraily accompanied him on the trip.
\ry. M. BEEBE
Southern-HARDWOODS---southern Oak FloorinS ud Maple Floring ll09 Firrt National Benk Bdlding Telephone Douglar 9117
P olcr-Pilcr-Crcorotcd Materiel Central Building TRinity 6332
(Continued from Page 47) ; the Southwest. It is situated on the main line of the Santa Fe Railway, in the cehter of the Arizona-.New Mexico forest activities with but a short auto or rail trip to the large mills making up the sales group. It has -the additional advantage of a four day less freight haul and a two day o r better mail service than coast tter producing districts.

At Albuquerque are found the great plants of I the Breece Lumber Co., and the Whitmer-Talkson Co.. as well as the Western Sales offices of Louis Wuichet, inc., and headquarters of some twenty retail lumber establishme'nts of the SouthwestForest Service men in charge of most of the National Forests of the region are located here, the personnel ihcluding Frank C. W. Pooler, district forester; E. S. French, district law officer; Albert Morris, district fiscal agent; EtSh G. Calkins, Quincy Randles, John Kerr, M-. M. Cheney and John D. Jones, assistant district foresters; D, M. Lang, C. A. Long, James F. Mullen, Thomas F. Myers, A. L. Hughes, R. W. Hussey, F. E. Landon, engineers ; W. H. Long, Consulting Pathologist; and D. A. Shoemaker, C. K. Cooperrider, , R. F. Copple and W. G. Koogler, in charge of research and inspection. The closest and most friendly cohtracts will be sought and maintained between the officials of the Southwest Lumber Sales Corporation and those of the government
The Arizona-New Mexico White Pine Manufacturers Association offices are also to be found in Albuquerque, and, as the executive staff of the sales corporation and its affiliating mills are nurnbered among the association officials, the closest and most constructive cooperation will be had among all branches of the lumber industry in the district.
Lumbermen on trans-continental trains should stop off and spend a d,ay in Albuquerque. The idea should be attractive from a scenic, and a sporting as well as a lumber view point. Good hunting and fishing abound in this region which Zane Grey has made famous, and the scenery of the district is not to be surpassed.
Permanency, Stability and Dependability are the watchwords and objectives of the Southwest Lu,mber Sales Corporation, and every effcirt will be extended to maintain a "permanently, progressively profitable business, by a continuously satisfactory and valuable service to a constantly increasing circle of clients."
N. H. PARSONS wishes to know
Who orders the HARDWOD I'LOORING at your office because he is equip,pcd to give yor satisfaction, in evcry rcspect. Prompt and accurate service.
PASADENA telephone WAkcfield 1634
LOS ANGELES line GArfield 7206 24r N. Allen Ave.,