4 minute read
J. Walter Kelly
In the first placg while w€ haven't asked him the direct question and therefore this is merely an opinion, we would say that Walter Kelly is Iristr. Wc think well of the Irish as d mc€r and therrefore fcel that this is no criticism of Mr. Kclly, whcthcr it's true or not. In drc absence of teetimony to thc contrary, and knowing Mr. Kelly rather welt we will start in by assuming that he IS Irish.
He has the narng the appearance, the mental and physical vigor, and the cnthusnastic push and pull that denotcs the bcst Irlsh characteristics.
He bclongs to that family of Kelly's, onc of whom was asked-"From which branch of the Kelly family do you spring?"---and who replied-"The Kelly's donlt spring FROM anybody, they spring AT them."
It was fourteea ycals ago that Chas. R. McCormick took young Walter Ketly it-tto his.organization He demonstrates that the deal has beerr a satisfactory orre by helpl4g the yourrg man to climb the ladder in the McCormick organization constantly and rapidly.
And the young man shows ttat he likes his organization by continudly pushing himself up and in its iouncils. He is a restless sort of person who ne'rer sits still in a job. Hc always has his eyc on the job aborre.
His first job was ttrat of stcnographer. He yns entircly too hot for that job, and soon had a better one, looking after the company's steamer line. Whcn the Tar camq alonc he ioined the Navy whcrl he scrved in 1918 and 1919: When he was released from the Navy-he came right back to the McCormick offices. and they sent him to the Portland oftce to get the noi0rern slant at their business. Then he was brougtrt back to San Francisco-and pLaccd in the Sdcs Department, and in 1922 he was made Sales Manager' of the San Francisco ofice, which iob he now holds.
Besidcs his brcad-and-buttcr job he finds time to do lots of other useful things in a busin€ss, social, and association ray. At the preetrt time he is President of ttre Sart Francisco Dougl,as Fir Club, President of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club, SccretaryTrcasurer of thc San Francbco Marine Piling Committee, District Dhoctor on thc Pacific Coast for the National Associration of_ Railroad Tie Producers, is an acdvc Kiwanian, and a mecrber of the Olympic Club of San Francisco. He is past Snark of the San Francisco district.
He is and has long been onc of tlre best huetlers, bee-t thinkers, _and -best coop€retors in the lumber businees- of thc Bay DistricL and has built around himself the confidcnce of his fellow lumbcrmcn in cvery-rcspcct. JIc is a nadve Californian and was born rigfrt there in San Francisco, to which city and its lunrber industry he is an asset and an hosror.
(Continued from Page 32) lames A. Robison has had a wide experience as a lumber aciountant and auditor in the Southern Pine producing districts, having held executive positions with several large southern operations. He numbers a multitude of friends among Southern Lumbermen.
Southwest Lumber Sales Corporation, is also nationally known as a lumber merchandiser and operator specializing in the Pine field. For two years he has been active in the management of the White Pine Lumber Company.
Mr. Ramsharv's early experience was with one of the large wholesale and retail yards in Chicago, and he later moved west where he spent a .dozen or more years in the Spokane district, both as an operator and a wholesaler.
Mr. Ramshaw will have direct charge oI sales in the Eastern Division of the United States, where the name of Arizona White Pine is becoming increasingly popular with buyers. Mr. Ramshaw will also retain his executive contacts with the White Pine Lumber Co.
R.B. Howell, 2nd Vice-President of the Southwest Lumber Sales Corporation, will have direct charge of sales in the Western Division. He has been a member of the Cady Lumber Corporation staft from the beginning, first, in the capacity of Assistant Sales Manager, and during the last year, as General Sales Manager. Mr. Howell, has an extensive acquaintance among the lumbermen of the Southwest.
R. F. Lilley, Treasurer of the Southwest Lumber Sales Corporation, is also Secretary-Treasurer of the Cady Lumber Corporation and President of the Standard Lumber Mills, Inc. For more than twenty years he has been associated with the McQuatters-Stoddard interests and brings to the new organization a wealth of financing and credit experience.
The close relationship of the executive personnel of the sales Corporation and the management of the afiiliated mills assures clients and customers of a highly efficient service backed by all concerned.
In marketing three hundred million feet annually of Arizona White Pine, the Southwest Lumber Sales Corporation problem is somewhat simplified by the fact that iertain pirts of their production find a ready home consumption close at hand.
The retail markets and box and shook buyers "r,d oih., industries of Southern California, Atizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Southern Colorado, and Kansas consume great quantities of common lumber, and these mills are situated on a very favorable rate structure for supplying these districts.
Considerable quantities of upper grades, the shops, selects, mouldings, etc., are finding their way to the Eastern markets and Arizona White Pine is rapidly and right- fully taking a brotherly place in the buyers' consideration alongside of Pondosa and California White Pine.
The basic policy of the new organi zation is to secure for its customers car after car of uniformly high quality Arizona White Pine, standardized in grade, specifications, texture, appearance and utility as between all the cooperating mills.
The home territory will be intensively developed on all grades and the Eastern market cultivated for the upper schedules.
The organization expects to establish a reputation as "regulars" dealing with and soliciting the trade of association members at every opportunity. Its retail, wholesale and commission connections will be affiliated with their respective associations and the Southwest Lumber Sales Corporation will, either directly or through memberships held by affiliating mills, become members of the Nationirl Lumber Manufacturers Association, the National American Whoesale Association. the Arizona-New Mexico White Pine Mahufacturers' Assoeiation, the Lumbermen's Club of Arizona and the National Association of Commission Lumber Salesmen.
Advanced, but ethical, merchandising will be employed at every step, and the organization will continually seek ways and means of closer cooperation for mutual benefit with legitimate channels of the lumber trade.
The district sales offices of the mills will remain as they are for the present, although some consolidation may be had in the future.
The choice of Albuquerque, N. M., for general offices of the Southwest Lumber Sales Corporation was a particularly happy and logical one.
Albuquerque is rapidly becoming the lumber center of (Continued on Page 49.)