3 minute read
A? -be sure about the type!
Every day, here at Truck Tire Service, thete are expert.tire men at work analyzing the conditions undet which trucks opcrate, and recommending the best type Goodyears to meet each individual need.
In the lumber industry, as in other industries, good truck tire service begins with proper selection. \Ve can supply you with just the right type Goodyears to meet your requirements-backed by a kind of service that will insure you long, uninternrpted operation at minimum cost.
Shoald you contenllate changing fron solitl to Pneumatic tires, ue ore fortic*Iarlg uell equipped to iletermine uhether Pfreumatics arc the logicol tires fot lou to use.
Then, ir c6e they are, ue cafr sufPlg the wheels, rims onil all other fiecessar! ffiterial to handle the com|lete changeover job.
(Continued from Page 30) to their operations and are, therefore, assured of a perrnqrent- gperation like the other millS of the group.
The White Pine mill has a thoroughly up to dafe storage yard with a capacity of. 2O million feet.Its concrete runways are made for efficient handling and a fleet of Ross carriers further simplifes the storage problem. A unique feature of the White Pine plant is thit they have drying weather twelve months in the year, and thirty to forty-five days is sufficient to thoroughly air dry their pine at any season of the year.
The White Pine plant is equipped with two bands and a resaw, and it has a box factory and cut up plant in connectlon.
Another unusual feature of the White Pine Lumber Co. operation isa large power plant .which has been installed in the mill to 6urn the reiuse and provide light and power to the close-by city of Albuquerque.
The tim,ber of the White Pine Lumber Co. is underlaid with extensive deposits of sulphur, copper and other minerals, and a brilliant future is assured this company with its combined output of timber and minerals.
The Standard Lumber Mills, Inc., plant at Standard, Arizona, is the youngest of the group, as it is just nearing completion at the present time. It isa one band and resaw mill with a daily capacity of 150,000 feet. It is located just twenty-five miles off from the main line of the Apache Railway in a strategic spot to tap the great Sitgreaves Forest.
Main line and logging railroads are being rushed to completion for this plant and it is expected that it will be in full operation by January lst.
The Personnel
The personnel of the Southwest Lumber Sales Corporation is an executive roster of the affiliating mills.
Frank H. Porter, Chairman of the Board, isof the famous Porter Farnily, old time lumbermen of Charleston, W. V"., now in its ihird generation of lumbermen. Mr. Porter has been the executive head of the White Pine Lumber Company since the death of his father a short time ago and will continue the active direction of the White Pine Lumber Co. operation while serving as Chairman of the Board of the Southwest Lumber Sales Corporation.
James G. MoNary, director of the Southwest Lumber Sales Corporation, is President of the Cady Lumber Corporation, and for twenty years has been closely associated with the Cady interests. He is well known in banking circles as well as lumber circles.
A.J. McQuatters, director of the Southwest Lumber Sales Corporation, is Chairman of the Board of the Cady Lumber Corporation and is the executive representative of the McQuatters and Stoddard interests which last year acquired the control of the Cady Lumber Corporation by purchase of the Wm. Cady interests. Mr. McQuatters devotes rnuch of his time to the supervision of the Cady Corporation operations.
Arthur A. H,ood, President and director of the Southwest Lumber Sales Corporation, isa nationally known lumberman with a twenty-year background of lumber merchandising in both the wholesale and retail fields. His authorship of the text book "Scientific Lumber Retailing" and his recent inter-national tour in the interest of the lumbermen's order of Hoo Hoo have made him a large circle of friends among the lumbermen of the United States and Canada
Mr. Hood will have general charge of the organization and sales promotional activities of the Southwest Lumber Sales Corporation and at the same time remain as VicePresident of the Cady Lumber Corporation.
W. G. Ramshaw, lst VicePresident and director of the (Continued on Page 47)