1 minute read
By Jach, Dtonne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O yearo-Some less
Still-It Had to Be Done
This young Texas cowboy had spent his life on the western range. His were the instincts of the cattle man. His the experiences of one who rides behind the long horn through all the seasons. Cornrs were his life, and all he hnew that w:rs any account was his lcrowledge of cows.
And then he got married. Brought home a wife frorn the neighboring county where he had gone to ride in a rodeo, and he exhibited his female pride with all the gusto of the male of the species. And they got along fina Everyone that saw them told of their devotion" and their happiness. There was not a cloud on their horizon, it seemed, and
W. G. Kahman, western sales manager, McCloud River Lumber Co., San Francisco, spent a few days in the Los Angeles district the latter part of August. He was a visitor at the offices of Fletcher & Franbes, and together with W. P. Frambes they called on the lumber trade. Fletcher & Frambes represent the McCloud River Lumber Co. in the Southern California and Arizona territories.
In "Robbins" Flooring /ou are 8ssurd of the very finest that has ever been, or ever will be produced. Our geographical location, t h e modern machinery in our mill, and the type of men who make our flooring, all go to make this statement_possible. "Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is the best.
Southcrn Celifor:aie: C. J. LAUGHUN
0i27 Pctrolcun Sccuriticr Bldg., Lor +lngclcr
Northcrn Crlifornie: cEoRGE C. CORMTIUS, Amcrican Bank Bldg. Sen Frrncirco
Iiodains Elooring
the whole world smiled at them.
But one day the young bridegroom came rushing over to the ranch-house of his nearest neighbor, and there were tears streaming down his cheeks, sobs fairly bursting his' breast and he dropped onto the neighbors porch manifesting every emotion that spelled distress in large letters. The shocked neighbor came running to hinr" raised his head, and inquired the trouble.
Pete sobbed. "It's the wife", he finally gulped out. "She fell down stairs this morning and broke her laig, and Oh Gawd! How I hated to shoot her."
George Weir Goes To Tacoma Meeting
George Weir, general salesmanager of the Coos Bay Lumber Company, left San Francisco August 20th for Tacoma, where he will attend the me€ting of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association. He will visit the company's mills at Marshfield before returning to San Francisco.
Mcnbcr Crlifotaie Rcdvood Arocietion I
Croc|rcr Buildir3 Pbonc Suttcr 0l?!
LOS ANGELES trno Mort3rc. Blds. Phoac TRiaity 22t2
Adcqurtc rtorr3c rtock et Ser Pcdrc