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A superior seruice ON,DOUGLAS FIR orders .for reto,il lurnber yq,rds
ARGE capacity mills are primary factors behind the superior service given on Douglas Fir orders at Hammond's. And this production is always en rout. by rail and by Hammond steamers for California pointsr providing ample stocks and wide selection for retail lumber yards.
Millions of feet of Douglas Fir, from the finest timber in Washington and Oregotr, always in stock at the large Hammond distributing yards, Los Angeles Harbor, ensuringaplusservice for lumber dealers in Southern California points. Supplementing these are further reserves at the Los Angeles 28-acre yard, where a feet of motor trucks on scheduled routes serve neighboring dealers in their lumber requirements.
Hammond service on lumber orders is definite -it is specializedand has become as an important part of this company's policy as the quality of the merchandise in stock.
And that Service always awaits your orders on any grade of lumber, for Hammond stocls inclddJ Douglas Fir, Redwood, Imported and Domestic Hardwoods. Wire our nearest office or branch.
R. F. "Dick" Hammatt, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, recently returned from Mendocino County where he had as his guests C. Bates, U. S. Forest Service, Denver, Colorado, Nelson Brown, New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse University, N. Y., and Aldo Leopold, Assistant Director of the Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin, where they visited the forest nurseries of the IJnion, Albion and Casper Lumber companies. They also looked over some of the excellent stands of second growth Redwood in the Redwood District. Mr. Leopold has a crew of. foresters from the Forest Products Laboratory making an investigative density study in virgin and second growth stands of Redwood in Mendocino and Humboldt Counties.
Bob Forgie Returns From Northwest Trip
Bob Forgie, Los Angeles, Southern California representative of the Blodel Donovan Lumber Co., is back at his desk after a five-rveeks' trip in the Northwest. His itinerary included stops at the Blodel-Donovan plant at Bellingham, Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria and Port Alberni. While in the Northwest, he made arrangements to handle two additional mill accounts in the Southern California market: the Alberni Pacific Lumber Co., Ltd., of Port Alberni, B. C., and the Great Central Sawmills, Limited. of Great Central. B. C.
Y District Lumbermen Hold Picnic At Paradise Cove
The lumbermen of the San Francisco Bay District held their annual picnic at Paradise Cove, Marin County, on Saturday, August 13. Two boats were chartered to make the trip across the Bay, one to take care of those going from Oakland and the East Bay side, the other making the trip from San Francisco. Many of the lumbermen from the Marin side of the Bay reached the park by auto. About 300 attended.
Paradise Cove proved an ideal spot for the picnic. The greater part of the afternoon was given over to field events and a baseball game. Prizes were awarded to the winners of the athletic events. An excellent orchestra pro' vided music for dancing during the afternoon in the dance pavilion. Mrs. Clyde Speer won the gate prize of $25.00. Bob Grant acted as master of ceremonies.
The picnic was one of the finest and most enjoyable parties ever held by the Bay District lumbermen, and Bob Grant, vicegerent snark of the Bay District and chairman of the arrangements committee, was the recipient of many compliments for providing such an enjoyable day.
J. W. Fletcher, Los Angeles lumberman, has been devoting considerable of his time of late in attending the Grand Jury sessions of Los Angeles County. Mr. Fletcher is associated with Fletcher & Frambes, the well known Los Angeles wholesalers.