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ERE is siding so lar above the ordinary that it sells on sight. And then sells Iuture siding orders lor you.
It is made extra fine to begin with. Then we dress up the packages to make it look as good as it is.
The wood that goes into this improved sidi"g is the lamous slow growth Snoeualmie Cedar -even tertured, uniforrn, long lasting.
Only selected parts oI the log go into this brand. Eac"h piece is experdy sawed, correctly seasoned and carefully surlaced. Both ends o{ each piece are trimmed even. Rigid grad. ingn rechecking and inspection result in IOVo salable and usable material.
Bundles are neatly and securely tied. To each bundle is attached a colored label bearing theWeyerhaeuser Brand, the grade mark and trade mark. Order a trial shipment in a mixed car oI popular Snqqualmie items.
Sizes: Bevel Sidiag, t/ inchby 4 5,6 and 8 inches; Bungalow Siding, ft inch by 8, tO and 12 incles.
Frank Auten started selling and laying hardwood floor- 1y/ A short time ago N. H. Parsons who has recently opened ing in Los Angeles rvhen this city was just a rambling V a large warehouse in Pasadena catering to the relaif yard town, and mueh credit for the rapid development and trade throughout Southern California, put on a movie cohtinued prog'ress of hardwood flooring consumption in program at the Pasadena Hotel to rvhich he extended invi: the California metropolis is undoubtedly due to h-is early tations to the lumbermen, architects and contractors and start, and long years of effort in promoting hardwood their families and friends. Moving pictures were shown of flooring use. all the operations in the productioi bf Hardrvood Flooring.
Mr. Auten incorporated the National Hardwood Com- Felling of the trees, dragging them to. the loading platpany in 19O7, twenty years ago, but for three years before forms, sawing the logs into lumber, kiln-drying and then that time he was selling and laying hardwood floors, so manufacturing the flooring, loading and shipping and finthat he has been continuously in the business here for ally laying it in homes and public buildings. The audience twenty-three years. Many years ago he quit contracting was highly pleased and found great satisfaction in learning and laying floors, and became strictly a wholesaler of the details of this industry. Pictures were also shown of hardwood flooring. His yard has 'never changed from Byrd's Polar flight which seemed to be in keeping with its original stand at 634 to 646 Aliso Street, and here he the news of the day. carries in stock a big assortment of oak, beech, birch, and maple flooring, which he sells throughout the Southern Cafifornia aisiiict. -
A thorough understanding of the hardwood fl,ooring
Kenneth Smith Addresses Whittier
Rotary Club
business, and eternally keeping up with the growth and/ Kenneth Smith. sales manager of the E. K. Wood Lumdevelopment of the Los Angeles territory his broughtl/ber Co., Los Angeles, was the speaker at the luncheon of well earned and consistent piosperity to Mr. Auten indv the Whittier Rotary Club on Friday, August 12. His subhis business. ject lvas "The Ethical Relations Between Competitors."
He continues to be an every-day, on-the-job operator of C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., is president of the his own business. During his leisure houis he is an en- Whittier Rotary Club. thusiastic golfer. He is one of the most popular men in the hardwood game in Los Angeles, and has been for a generation.
Roy Ibach of the Mill Valley Lumber Co., rvho is also a member of the U. S. Naval Reserve, is spending his vacation with the Reserves on their annual cruise.
Harry Vincent A Los Angeles Visitor
Harry Vincent, San Francisco, vice president and general manager of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., r,vas a Los Angeles visitor around the first of the month. He made his headquarters at the company's Los Angeles office where he conferred rvith Frank Curran, manager of their Southern California operations.
Dependability-the kind that's built right into Veaver Roofittgmeens "Good'-Will"-' and thatts the most valuable asset any business can Possess. Sell Weaver Roofing todayprotect your future business.