2 minute read
LumberJust As You Want It
Hardwoods to any moisture content.
Hardwoods run to any pattern
Crating cut-to-length, surfaced or sized perfectly
Equalized, correctly dried, bundled
C5press worked to dimension size
Mixed cars of hardwoods, Cypress and Pine
Hillver Deufsch Edwards, lnc.
Johnny Stroud Makes Hole In One At Claremont Country Club
Johnny Stroud of the E. J. Dodge Lumber Co., San Francisco, r,ealized his life's ambition August 16th. He sank his tee shot on the tenth hole at the Claiemont Country Club, and now boasts a membership in the exclusive (bui 91'9.q gro_wing) Dodo Club. Johnny rvas playing with {Nibs" Price, the University bf Caiifornia grid irentor. Jo!t.n"y has been playing golf for five years,lnd, like all golfers, hoped some day to join the Dodo brigade.
(Continued from page 6.)
its older and jealous competitor, and they sell it strictly on its merits, and hope to continue to do so.
- _Thqy claim the same right to call their wood Philippine Mahogany, as do_es the peanut mill man to call his product Peanut Butter. He admits no infringement on the original butter patent in so doing. He don'i say it is cow bulter. fle says it is peanut butter, and sells it-on its merits, but, because there is no hurting competitor advocating cow butter, the peanut butter man has not been attacked.
Sam Jones used to say: "Fling a rock into a bunch of {ogs, and you'll hear the hit dog squeal every time.,' And it looks from the road as though the "hit dog" was squeal- ing for protection from_the Philippine Mahogany man. The importers of foreign Mahogany have seen theii customers one by one turning to Philippine Mahogany for their cabinet wood supplies. and the detightfut monopoly they have so long enjoyed is being rapidly diminished-.
The winner in the deal hai been the American consumer. and the American manufacturer of cabinet wood products. Step by step Philippine Mahogany has advanced- into the sunshine of accredited popularity, and there is no month that passes that does not see further develoDment ancl broadening of the market for their products.
7 An.rouncernent has been made that the convention dates of The California Retail Lumbermen's Association have been changed and that the annual convention will be held on November 10, 1l and 12th. The original plans called for the first week in November. The convention will be held at the Alexandria Hotel, Los Angeles.
And that same Jones, who "pays the freight," the Amer. ican consumer, is the fellow who is getting the big benefit. These beautiful and adaptable American woods, bearing openingly the title of the American province-The Philippines-from whence they come, are climbing the ladder of success by true worth, and not by fraud or deception.
If we are to go so far into technicalities in our American business life as has been attempted in this l\{ahogany case, then the dockets of the Commission and of the courts mav easily be filled for the next one hundred years. Trade misnomers are common, Thev are evervwhere.
The lumber business .or'tl.l be ups6t from top to bottorp by carrying the same thought throughout that the Commission is using in this Mahogany case. We have misnomers everywhere. So have other industries.
We believe that the courts 'rvill easilv discover that this Mahogany case has at its root a plain and simple attempt to stifle competition, and that the American public would be the worst sufferer if such stifling were permitted. An enforced change of name at this time would be a severe setback for the- Pfiilippine Mahogany. It would be money out of the pocket of every American who buys things made from cabinet rvoods.
We believe and trust that the Philippine Mahogany proponents will win the final decision.