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A Safe Grrarantee for Everybodrr Concerrred
lfWO g/pes of ElReybuilt-up asphalt roofs arepositively JL guaranteed by the los AngelesPaper Manufacturing C,ompany-one for ro years a'd the other for zo years.
Behind that guarantee sand the good faith and large resources of onl of the oldest manuficturers in the roofing industry on the Pacific Coast. It gives rcoft protection to every architea who specifies an El Rey Gtrararrteed Roof .---+very conffactor who insalls one, every dealer who sup plio the material-and every owner whose building is lovered with an El ReyGuaranteed Roof.
The los Angela Paper Manuficnring C-o. is protected in the guaraniee by th. q"altry of El Rey Roofing, and its own skill and thoroughness in superising the insallation. Hence dhe satement- d sdfe gdraitee forqeryMycotrcemed.
With the full El Rey line in stock you canmeet any de mand for. any type of asphalt roofing-smooth surface, slate or slarc shingles. \Write for samples and rcrnrs.