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Fifteen Kittens Initiated at Chico Concatenation
Over sixty attended the banquet and Hoo-Hoo concatenation at Chico on Saturday, August 13. The banquet was held at the Hotel Oaks. Following an excellent dinner, A. J. "Gus" Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, hcting as toastmaster, introduced several of the guests who responded with short talks. The principal speaker of the'evening was Parson Simpkin who made a very inspiring address. His subject was, "What's the Matter with Lumber: What's the Remedy?" As master of ceremonies, "Gus" was in his usual good form and kept his audience in good spirits during the after dinner program.
VFollowing the dinner, a Concatenation was held at the Elks Club. The following Kittens were initiated:
Priest; Scirvenoter, I. E. Brink; Jabberwock, J. E. Neigh- bor; Arcanoper, Tom Brown; Gurdon, E. T. Robie and Custocatian; Jack Shere.
E. Westburg, Stirling; F. G. Orberg, Chico; John C. Due, Chico; F. L. Pritchett, Hamilton; Chas. A. Schab, Durham; S. Hassel, Chico; R. A. Cblgari, Jr., Chico; D. L; Linn, Live Oak; M. E. Ferguson, Chico; R. W. Fadner, Stirling; James W. Robey, Sutter; E. A. Compton, Sr., Chico; Sam Benton, Chico; J. J. Miller, Gridley ;L. Z. Mitchell, Stirling.
Carl E. Brown was reinstated.
_ The follorying Nine had charge of the degree work: Snark, C. D. LeMaster; Senior Hoo-Hoo, G. M. Cornwall; Junior .lloo-Hoo, Rod Hendrickson; Bojum, Chester
Thos. Sayles, of Abilene, Texas, one of the best known retail lumbermen of the West Texas territory, has been a visitor in Southern California for the past month, and has returned home. He is president of the retail lumber association that covers West Texas.
Among the Northern California ,lumbermen who attended were: I. E. Brink, R. H. Morehouse, C. D. LeMaster, P. A. Simpkin, A. J. Russell, Geo. M. Cornwall, W. B. Dean, Rod Hendrickson, Chester Priest, J. H. Shepard, A. A. Kelley, H. M. Isenhower, H. J. Jacobson, J. A. Shere, H. L. Alderman, Tom Brown, J. J. Farley, E. S. McBride, Thos. 'W. Dant, Ralph C. Turner, R. A. Linn, D. L. Linn, R. A. Colan, Jr., F.A. Compton, E. Westberg, H. C. Henry, R.W. Fadner, J. E. Neighbor, R. R. Carpenter, R. L. Hupp, O. H. McNeill, S. Benton, C. E. Brown, J. J. Miller, S. Hassel, Chas. Schab, Frank Pritchett, C. J. Schmitt, Harry Aisthorpe, C. G. Davis, J. Kenneth Dodge, C. Harry Terral, J. E. Atkinson, Jas. B. George, Wm. L. 4isthorpe, Fred Woell, Grant Albro, J. H. Gunby, D. McFarlane, M. E. Ferguson, F. G. Orberg, J. L. Russell, Allen J. Miller, E. A. Scammon, A. J. Nolan, C. G. Wolohen, Vernon V. Rood, M. D., L. Z. Mitchell, J. W. Robey. Willian B. Dean, The Diamond Match Co., Chico, vicegerent snark of the Butte County District, acted as chairman of the arrangements committee 'of this successful meeting.
\{r. Carol Low, the genial Sales Manager for the Mono- lith Portland Cement Company, Los Angeles, has been enjoying a vacation tripin the Pacific Northwest. He drove north with members of his family, and returned by train.