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Buih so tbey Can't- \f/rons
\ZOU can recommend CeowaLLADER
I SI-eg DOORS to your customers and lr**you're selling doors thatwill make good. These doors are built for long and hard usaAe. Cores are of high grade soft wood 6toEt r Dut together wiih rLgular stile and rail constructi-on. Waterproof casein glue applied under hydraulic prlssure renders the .bi" permanenily moisture-proof. It cannot *"tpl shrink or swell.
C) cut in ourPhilippine forests. These--gh.ogany veneers take a beautiful natural finish, or they can be Painted.
Cost Less Tban Natiae Hardanod Doors
Thev. are priced right. They are less expensive than native hardwood doors and cost about the same as domestic softwood doors. Keep them in stock. They will bring in new customers and help -keep the old ones satisfied.