1 minute read
Thatts the PIONEER plan t Btgger Prolltc ol l--Go right over the old wood shingles, take fewer nails and less labonl
Nine out of ten wood shingle roofs, over this year. Between 65% and 75% of all go to the dealers who sell PIONEEI SHINGLES! They always have..oo they The selling reasorsr listed below, show u Pioneef Dealers have ever known... wh the r€,rooftrrg jobs and make bigger prol PLAN behind ]ou... it means real sr financing of the contract.
2-No Repairs-no paint or stain ever!
3-Beautifu l, non4ading colors !
4-Water-tight, weather-proof and fire resistingl
S-Yosernite rock is lZV harder than slate !
6-Years of service without cost!