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H.V. Cowan Announces Campaign to Sell Built-In Cabinets Through Dealers
H. V. Cowan, President of H. V. Cowan, Inc., of Los Angeles, announces the appointment of C. H. Ralke as Sales Manager for that concern, effective at once. Mr. Ralke has been in the sales department of this concern for some time, previous to which he has been for years engaged in the advertising business. He brings tothe head of the sales organization a trained merchandising mind, and an alert and forceful oersonality. He is thoroughly sold on tie proposition of selling standardized built-ins through the retail lumber dealer, and enthusiastic over the Posline, in which kitchen built-ins pre-
Mr. Cowan also announces that his preparations of the past twelve months have nbw reached the stage at which he is ready to go to the trade with a wonderful merchandising proposition that should appeal to every live lumber dealer, and the Cowan line will immediately be offered the trade, with a specific profit-making proposition.
The gist of the whole thing is that the lumber dealer may easily make four times the profit on kitchen stuff from his factory that he would make on the lumber for a carpenterbuilt jobfor the same kitchen, and atthe same time will have the satisfaction of furnishing goods far superior in quality and value to the carpenter-built kind, at no increased cost to the builder.
The complete line of Cowan kitchen furniture is very impressive, particularly in its ability to fit any kitchen or condition with standardized goods. No matter how large or how small the kitchen, bathroom, or dressing room may be, there is a Cowan standardized unit that will fit, so'varied are their units. Base Sink Cabinets range in lengths fsom 14" to 24" by inches and then every 2 inches to 6". Top cupboards vary from 18" to 6O" long by 6" variations. Drawer storage and working space are very carefully thought out to give beauty and compact_ness- to every ihstallation. Standardized bathroom and dressing room units are also furnished to meet all requirements. The Mono-rail system of drawer guides is an exclusive Cowan feature, drawers cannot stick or warp in damp weather, and smooth freedom of operation is assured.
H. V. Cowan, Inc., have worked out a plan by which they make it possible for their dealers to display their furniture, so that the trade may come in and see just what they are going to get. They have arranged a splendid corner display lor dealer use, which is installed in the dealer's office 1t minimum cost, and makes a very attractive department for the lumber office. Every dealer a_gent !s urgid to install this display so that he may intelligently sell these conveniences.
Cowan's catalogue of Standardized Built-In Cabinets may be had on request.
One of the biggest recent installations of Cowan cabinets is in the beautiful new Villa Riviera, at Long Beach, a marvelous apartment building in which ll7 Cowan kitchens and as many Cowan dressing rooms are being installed at the present time.
Beautify These Hornes
THE texture and pattern of "Ferfection" Brand Oak I Flooring make possible a finish that is seldom found on any other flooring. You can depend upon "Perfection." In modern plants operated by skilled lumbermen, only the finest oak is silected. After proper seasoning and kiln-drying, it is perfectly milled and matched so that it lays smooth and stays smooth. It is graded and handled so carefulty that upon arrival anywhere, it is always in perfect condition. Leading lumber dealers gtadly feature this nationally advertised brand.
Brand Oak Flooring
"Perfection" Braad Oak Floring, Blockr and Plenks, may bc obtaincd chemically beatcd by the rCELLized procear. i-.
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