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Of East Bay
elected president, Co. was elected Club No. 39, at a Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, August 13.
H. S. Morton, Hill & Morton, Inc., was and H. D. Cook, \Mestern Door & Sash vice-president of the East Bay Hoo Hoo dinner meeting of the club held at the
Carl R. Moore was reelected secretary-treasurer for the coming year, and the following directors were elected: B. E. Bryan, Strable Hardwood Co.; George Troth, Roulevard Mill & Lumber Co.; Clyde I. Speer, Zenith Mill & I Lumber Co.; J. Matthews, Swift-Call Lumber Co.; J. A. I Wentworth, E. K. Wood Lumber Co.; C. W. Lannom, f Lannom Bros., Earl Davis, Coos Bay Lumber Co., and F. L. Parker, Eureka Mill Lumber Co.
Hugo Sommarstrom, Clinton Lumber & Mill Co. was elected to the important position of Sergeant-at-arms.
Secretary Carl Moore's report showed the club to be in good financial shape with $312 in the treasury. Paid-up membership at the close of this year is 50.
President Clem Fraser thanked the directors and members for their support during his administration, and asked for similar cooperation with the new officers in the coming year.
Fred V. Holmes, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., spoke briefly, telling members of the growing.interest in, and appreciation of California Redwood, which he noted in his recent eastern trip.
President Berl Johnson of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club also gave a short talk.
Clyde I. Speer, vicegerent snark of the San Francisco Bay district brought up the subject of the annual Hoo Hoo Picnic. This will be held September 16, in conjunction with the San Francisco and Peninsula Hoo Hoo Clubs. Jack W. Oliver, Boulevard Mill & Lumber Co., sang two bass song's, for which he received generous applause.
One of the biggest Hoo-Hoo events in the historv of the Southwest is announced forEl Paso, September 2l and 22, immediately preceding the Hoo-Hoo Annual dates. The Hoo-Hoo Clubs of El Paso, Albuquerque and Phoenix will hold a joint reunion and Con-Cat there on those dates, and they are getting ready for a big attendance and interesting doings.
Yuma will be host to the Hoo-Hoo of the Southwestern territory at a Con-Cat to be staged on Saturday, October 27. The gang will be invited in from all over Southern California and Arizona, and it is reported that at least twenty-five kittens will be initiated. Snark Demund is making the arrange:."I__
Bobby Byrne In Northwest On Business
R. W. "Bobby" Byrne, genial secretarv of the Western Hardwood Lumber Company, of Los Angeles, has been spending a mixed business and pleasure trip in the Pacific Northwest for several weeks.