1 minute read
Do you go afte the Pioneer Plan
HEonly reason a dealer puts money in shingles, roofings or any other product is because he wants to make a profrt on his investNo matter how good the shingles . no matter how liberal the margin
. no money is made until the shingles are sold. That's "old stuff". of sourse. But why ic it that all lrrmber, building material andhardware dealen are not coneistently making money on shinglee? Pioneer dealen are!
Each year Pioneer dealerr gain a rtronger hold on the ahingle and roofing market roofing buriness. Thic FaU Pioneei dealerr will etep further ahead!
To begin with Ploneer gtves the dealer the mort complete line of super-quality shingles on the market. PIONEER YOSEMITE ROCK SURFACED SHINGLES are }arown all over thc weet, trheir range of non-fading colore and their popular typee and sizes meet every requirement eyery price! And outstanding in the Ploneer line is the SUPER HEX a massive rtrip that giver doubleroofingthiclmesr. . . dotrbleprotection.. . double economy!
There are dozens of points that t'selltt Pioneer 'YosemiteRoch Strfaced Shingles . . . and the
Two Bcfm tbc yo rlll hrvc ROOF COA ncadbf lcrk trDhf D.u futtr+ tu|.r, Roa CaUDs wr old rofr c uy ntcrt Yqr vltr sll ...lfyu