1 minute read
Shingle Sales? ings Them to !rou!
TER plan bringc the dealer plenty of rcpects to be sold he can offerthe inducement of easy pa5rments withthe credit risk orthe handling exon his own shoulders. Pion€er canies all contracts!
[.ast but not least tfie Pioneer dealer gets the most capable and the moetproductive sell- 'ing assistance that can be given the LICENSED PIONEER SHINGLE APPLICATION COMPAI{Y.
The application company nepresentative ic conrtandy worlcing with and for the dealer . . . cl,oring ralea for the dealer . . . egtimating the exact coct in advance . . arranging the easy paymentr for re-roofing . . . doing the work prompdy, eftciently and Guaranteeing it!
Thcse are the three thingr that make sdes for Ploneer Dealerr . that moye their gtockc . . . that buitd their profitr! And not one of them increarcs thc deale/s eelling e4rense or his investmenl
Thinh it over . .. but if you want to get in the bugest Fall rc-roofing rales youtve ever had investigate the Pioneer Plan.
Get in touch with the nearest branch today RE-ROOFING season ii under rvay right now!