1 minute read
Building Service
Modern Merchandising Service in the .retail lumber business means to furnish the public the fullest possible degree of intensifietl, specialized, intelligent assistance in the use of thoser materials which you sell. It mbans that you will use your most earnest efrorts to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", if YOU were at the buying end and the other fellow the merchant of building material. Use THAT as a basis for measuring before you print "SERVICE" on your letterheads, or use it on your advertising. Service is not a physical thing. It's a demonstrable FORCE. The merchandising that you sell is the PHYSICAL end of your sale; the SER\/ICE is that intangible and uncharted dynamic development of. modern times that makes your goods worth buying and worth having.
Homes For Hens
The latest plan book off the press and on our editorial desk is LongjB"11'r "Homes foi Hens". It is great stuff. It is 8/zxll inches in size, printed on fine book paper, Profusely illustrated with pictures and plans, and shows how to build hen coops. There is everything there from a simple hen house foi a few hens, to a great big one for the poultry farm, with plenty of good information to go with the pittot"r -and plins. - The-Advertising Department of the Long-Bell Lumber Company, Kansas City, is the producer and distributor.