1 minute read
The Closet
Bg lacft Dionne
Remember the old fashioned home closet?
You really should! You'Il find one or more of them in nearly every home in the land. Just a hole in the wall, varying in size and shape. The shelves and hanging arrangements were varying and indiscriminate i4 character. Attractive? Never!
Have you any idea how many homes there are in the United States that haven't a modern closet? Fifteen millions would be a very low estimate.
Do you think there is a single woman occupying those fiIteen million homes who wouldn't want a modern closet if she could get onB? Doubtful.
Don't you believe that there are millions of those fifteen million homes where modern closets could be sold? Wouldn't the average housEwife look upon such a convenience almost as a shrine, so much would it mean to her?
There ought to be a campaign for selling and installing modern closets in every town, in this whole country. Not a single housewife should be left in ignorance of what she COULD do to make her house more homelike, by the installation of such a closet.
Whose jobis it? The architect? Don't be ridiculoust The architect is essentially a big job man. There is just one man everywhere who should handle it-the RETAIL LUMBERMAN.
A couple of dozen closets, intelligently sold, would bring more profit than the ordinary cornpetitive new house job. And would make the dealer a couple of dozen times as many iriends and future patrons.
Show a closet plan to Mrs. Housewife. Drawers on one side. Hatrack above. Hangers on the other side. Shoe rack below. All attractively done, painted and enameled, a thing of beauty when the door is opened-not just a hole in the wall. Compact room for many, many things, where they can be kept in order. One such closet is better than three ordinary scatterclothes closets-and infinitely more attractive and satisfactory.
Business is slorr, you say? What? With nine out of every ten houses in yopr district CRYING for modern closets?
Business is what you make it. Make yours good, make your town happy, and make your- self popular, with a closet selling campaign.
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