3 minute read
One of the very oldest retail lumber institutions in the State of California-one of the oldest in the United States in fact-is The San Diego Lumber Company, of San Diego, California, which operates a big and active retail and wholesale lumber business in the Southern California territory. This concern belongs to and is the representative in that territory of the Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company, well known redwood manufacturers of San Francisco. Dolbeer & Carson have been in business since 1863, and The San Diego Lumber Company has been in business continuously at the same place since 1859. Therefore this institution will be sixty years old next year, which is indeed a remarkable record.
The President of The San Diego Lumber Company is W. W. Cafson, of the Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company, and the Vice President and very able General Manager of the institution is Al. A. Frost, one of the best known and most popular lumberman in Southern California. Mr. Frost also heads the Frost Hardwood Lumber Company, at San Diego. William G. Mugan is Secretary of The San Diego Lumber Company, and also of Dolbeer & Carson.
The San Diego Lumber Company operate one of the best looking, best equipped, and most efifrcient lumber institutions in the Southland, as is well evidenced by the pictures that accompany this story. The yards, sheds, offiCes, etc., are of the latest and best style of architecture, and the great stocks are safely and attractively housed. They carry in stock 2,500,000 feetof lumber at all times, and handle as well a large stock of cement, wall boards, roofing, building paper, builders hardware, and other materials of a building character to serve their trade.
The total yard sprfg occupied is about 100,000 square feet, of which about 80,00O square feet is used for lumber piles and alleys, 15,000 square feet of warehouse spaee, and about 5,000 feet devoted to office and shipping departments.
In the office there are nine employes; the shipping department employs eleven; twelve men is the usual yard crew; and there are five persons employed in the branch yards.
Trvo branch yards are maintained serving this main institution, and helping give quick service to the trade, one at 3458 Adams Ave., San Diego, and the other at 6357 Im-
Buitd Your Own Boat
Speaking of merchandising of lumber, special mention has been rightfully earned by the "Build Your Own Boat" campaign of The Pacific Lumber Companl, manufacturers of Redwood, San Francisco, California. That campaign has built many a boy a good boat this summer, and will build many more as time goes on, in season and out, perial Ave., Encanto, Calif. These yards carry small local stocks.

It was a simple, yet impressive, idea. They had a skilled boat architect draw the blue prints and plans for six small boats of different shapes and kinds. Then these plans were transferred to a small folder, clear and true enough so that any advanced school boy in manual training, could understand them. This folder, with some very clever illustrations of boats, and fish, etc., was sent to lumber dealers who stocked Redwood boat lumber. With the boat lumber the dealer received from the Pacific Redwood Company complete sets of working drawings, material bills, etc., for the boats. A set of plans goes with every boat bill the dealer sells. The boy gets the circular through his dealer, through his school, or in whatever method the dealer saw fit to distribute them; he bought the lumber for the boat, and got the plans free. Then he built the boat.
The main office is a very lovely and practical one, beautifu'lly laid out for the handling of the office work, and is all trimmed and finished in Redwood in a most attractive way, A very practical and attractive display room is one of the features of the main office building.
The plans are so simple that any boy taking manual training, with possibly a little help from his manual training teacher, could easily build any of the boats. It has been a wonderfully effective campaign, and a most satisfactory one to all concerned.
We have manufacttrred ,and ingtalled PACIFIC Tanks,Pipe and Vats for mining and milling companies, irrigation districts, etc., continuously since | 888. If you have a problem let our engineers help you.
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