3 minute read
\(/hat Enthusiasm M.y Do
Bv Juck Dionne
Success mcy be due less to crbility thcm to enthusicsur.
The world mcrkes wcry lor the mcn who believes in his mission No urctter whct obiections urcy be raised' no mcrtter how dcrk the outlook, he believeg in his power to trcnsfonn into reclity the vision he hcrg seen.
It hag been well said thct qll the tiberties, retonns, cnrd politiccl crchievements ol society hcve been gcined by nctions thrilting crnd throbbing to one grecrt enlhuEiqsm.
Enthusicrsn will stecdy the heart cnd strenglhen the will; it will give force to the thought crnd nerve to the hcnd, until whct wcs only c possibility, beconres cr recrlity.
No bcrrrier, however lonnidqble, no obstccle, no mctter how insurmountable it mcy seem to the tirnid or fcrint-hecrrted, cqn bcr the wcy to cny ncrn possessed oI enthusiasnr for a high idecrl Never belore in the world's history hcre the urcn tired by enthusiqsm been so sincerely needed qs he is todcry.
Thb is pcrticulcrrly true ol young men cnd young womerl The world looke to them to be interpreters oI new forms ol youth cnd becruty. Secrets, ieclously gucrded by ncture, crre wcriting to revecrl lherrselves to the enthusictsts who cne willing to devote their lives to the work Inventions, foreshcrdowed todcry, crre wciting Ior the pcrseioncte pctience oI enthusicsm to develop them. Humqn rights cmd humcm liberties, threcrtened with extinction throughout this bdled world, wcrit on the unseen hcmd of enthusicsrl to spring to their defense.
Indifference is the opposite ol enthusiasm. Indifference never lecds crmies thct conquer, never models stcrtues thqt live, never movea with heroic philcrnthropies, never cornes lo the cid ol Right when beset by Wrong.
Enthueicrsnr it wcrg thct wrought the stctue ol Menon, crnd hung the brczen gctes of Thebes. lt lixed the marinert trembling needle on its cocie, and first hecrved the grecrt bcr ol the crncient printins presa. It opened the tubes ol Cralileo until world dter world swept ccroaa his enthrcrlled vision,' cmd it reefed the topscril that ruffled over Columbue in the morning breezes oI the Bahcnrcs. Enthusicsm has held the sword with which freedom fought her bcttles, crnd must hold thct sword when lreedom lights cgcin to be free. It poised the crx ol the dauntless woodsmcn cs he blczed the pcthwcry ol civilizcrtion Yes, cmd it tunred the nystic lecrves upon which Shckespeqre crnd Milton inscribed their burning thoughts, cmd sustained crnd soorhed the souls of crll the world's truly grect in their hours of depression
Enthusia$n is the inspircrtion of everything thct is grect. Without it, no mcn is to be fecued. With it, no mqn is to be despised.
Northern California Hoo-Hoo Recommend Reorganization
Following receipt of a letter from Harry T. Kendall, chairman of the reorganization committee of the Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo, a representative group of 25 HooHoo members from San Francisco and East Bay cities, Sacramento and Stockton met at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, on Augusf 8, to consider reorganization of the order.
After discussion B. E. Bryan, former member of the Supreme Nine was instructed to convey the resolutions, findings and opinions of the group to Mr. Kendall with best wishes for the Minneapolis conference on August 19.
The resolutions were as follows:
RESOLVED, that the liquidation of the indebtedness of the Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo was one of the outstanding accomplishments in the lumber industry during the past decade, and that those who brought about this splendid result should be highly commended and congratulated; and that we of the lumber fraternity in Northern California express our deep appreciation for the unselfish work performed.
RESOLVED, that the Hoo-Hoo Order be reorganized on the basic foundation of local or district lodges or clubs, charged with the collection of all dues in their territory, to be shared between the local and the National;
That the "Grand Lodge" dues, or per capita tax, shall be included in the "Local Lodge" dues, be set at a figure that will permit Hoo-Hoo National to pay a reasonable mileage contribution toward the expenses of the director or Supreme Nine member from each of the nine jurisdictions, in attendance at the annual national meeting;
That the principle of districts and jurisdictions be maintained, and that one Supreme ofificer be elected from each jurisdiction, preferably by the members in that jurisdiction; voting power to be continued on basis of numerical membership of the locals or jurisdictions;
That the order confine its activities to the promotion of friendship, confiderrce and co-operation among those engaged in the lumber industry.
Sampson Family Visits Yosemite
W. A. (Bill) Sampson, Sampson Company, Pasadena, Mrs. Sampson and their two daughters were on a vacation trip to Yosemite National Park first week in August.