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A cargo of 40,000 bundles of Red Cedar shingles, reported to be the largest of its kind ever sent out from the Northwest, was brought into Long Beach harbor, August 17, by the steamer Margaret Schafer which is operated by Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co. The boat docked at the John E. Marshall, Inc., pier.

The shipment was practically all Certigrade No. I-5/2 inch Red Cedar green shingles. P. W. Chantland, the company's Los Angeles manager, stated that all the shingles, with the exception of 50 squares of Certigrade No. 1 Rovals. were sold before thev were loaded at Aberdeen.

xool! nlvlnllaLl GRO88 GINGULATION KILNS

l. 2r% to 10y'o morc capacity due to solid edge'to'edge stacking.

2. Better qudity drying on low tcnpcraturec rith a fast rcvcrlibic circulation.

3. Lower stacLing costs-just solid edge-to-edge stacking in the simplest form.

Unlocding record ccrgo ol Red

Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co. operates a 1Omachine shingle mill at Montesano. The shingles were barged to Aberdeen where they were loaded on the boat at the company's dock. Capt' T. W. Berg is master of the steamer Margaret Schafer.

This shingle shipment, equivalent to 1,125,000 feet B'M', amounted to a little over one half of the cargo for this ship, the balance being Douglas fir lumber.

Several carloads of the shingles were unloaded at the John E. Marshall, Inc., dock, and the balance went to other Los Angeles harbor docks and Santa Barbara'

Moorekiln Paint Products for weatherproofing dry kiln and mill roofs.

XoonrDnrfru(bnrrw trfln Buildco for Morc Than Half e C,entury

North Portten4 Orc. Jeclronvillc, Flori&

When You Sell

Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.


General Saler Oficc: Eugene, Ore.

Milb: Wendling, Orc., Springfeld, Orc.

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