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San Diego Lumbermen Hold Golf Tournament

H. B. Deming was the low gross winner with a score of Special prizes were awarded to Bob Osgood, "Friday" 75 at the San Diego lumbermen's golf tournament held at Freeland, Jerry S. Sullivan and percy Merithew. the La Mesa Country Club, La Mesa, Saturday afternoon, TL-.- ,,:"" ; t^r_- ^*^,,,r ^..* r^- i^

August 13, and received a half d,ozen golf balls.

There was a large crowd out for the evening program' carl B. Gavotto won the first brind bogey prize and was A buffet supper was served in the club House at 6:30 P'M' presented with a clock. M. P. Bennett was second blind Group singing, music, cards, guessing contests and other bogey winner and received a half dozen golf balls. Frank old fashioned games provided enjoyable entertainment unMyer got a bottle of beer for winning the booby prize. til late in the evening.

On Canadian Trip

Frank H. Harris, vice-president of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber ,Co., San Francisco, is expected back early in September from a vacation trip to Jasper Park, Alberta. He is traveling by automobile and is accompanied by his daughter, Miss Velma Harris.


Lee H. Eubank of L. H. Eubank & Son, Inglewood, manufacturers of ironing boards and cabinets, left recently on a business trip to Texas cities and other Southwestern points. He is making the trip by automobile and is accompanied by Mrs. Eubank.

(Mg. bt ibo pctoat holdcr)

Pcine Lumber Co., mcde "REZO"

Ungelected Birch crnd Gum Doors cnd

Gum C. C. Pcnels cre now cvcrilcrble lrorn our loccrl siock

Ccll PRospect 1860-or-Rlchmond 9l7l

Purchases Dri-Bilt Phn of House Construction

Tacoma, Wash., August S,-The Dri-Bilt plan of house construction as developed by Jacques Willis of the C-W Plywood Company of Chicago, Illinois, has been purphased by the Douglas Fir Plywood Association, and will'-be featured as an important part of the plywood industry's enlarged trade promotion program, according to an announcement by W. E. Difford, managing director of the Association. The announcement was made following Mr. Willis' recent trip to the Pacific Northwest during which he visited the Plywood manufacturing units.

The Dri-Bilt plan, as developed bv Mr. Willis, involved the construction of moderate-priced houses according to specified plans involving the extensive use of Douglas Fir Plywood for interior wall paneling and ceilings, for sheathing, for subfloors, and for built-ins. Dealers were provided with plan books for use in contacting their customers and from which detailed plans and guaranteed material lists could be ordered. Mr. Willis featured the fact that DriBilt eliminated 1000 gallons of water in the ordinary sixroom house constructed in the conventional way.

Dri-Bilt met with considerable success, according to W. E. Difford, and since it was logically a field of activity in which the Douglas Fir Plywood Association was vitally interested, it was natural that it would be consolidated with the entire trade promotion program.

Since the market for Dri-Bilt houses rapidly expanded, it became almost impossible for Mr. Willis to continue to direct this promotion and at the same time to devote his energy also to the C-W Plywood Company. For this reason he consented to sell the plan to the Plywood Association.

The Association plans to extend the Dri-Bilt plan widely through the new field representatives recently appointed. Preliminary plans call for a Dri-Bilt Manual for distribution to interested dealers and builders and other helpful dealer material. Trade paper ddvertising will also be scheduled as the program gets under way.

Dealers, dstributors, and other factors in the trade will be given preliminary notification of the whole program so that they may tie-in their sales activity effectively.

Ralph Lamon To Learn Lumber Business

Ralph W. Lamon, son of Fred Lamon of Lamon-Bonnington Company, wholesale lumbermen, San Francisco, graduated in May from the Univgrgity of California, class of '38, and has decided to learn the lumber business from the ground up.

He has already had some'experience through working in sawmills in his vacations, but as a first step in his career will go to work in the sawmill of the Westfir Lumber Company, Westfir, Ore., darly in September, under the guidance of G. R. (Roy) Bleecker, general manager.

After a year or so he will go to a California Pine operation for further experiente and later will acquire some knowledge of the Redwood lumber business. In fact this young man aims to. get a well rounded experience in the next five or six years in the manufacture of the three principal Pacific Coast species.

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They close their eyes to losses they suffer here ond there in "bqd qccounts," the total of which fcn exceeds the cost of relicble credit informcrtion service-losses thct might hqve been crvoided if they hcd been informed of their customers' fincrnciql stcnding,

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