3 minute read
Old established lumber yard near Los Angeles. In good location. Doing a good business. Personal reasons for selling. Address Box C-721, California Lumber Merchant.
Single, college and higher accountancy graduate. 20 years wholesale and retail lumber, sash and doors, and millwork. Quantity survey, full mill bids prepared. Not afraid of work. Can you use him? Address Box C-722, care California Lumber Merchant.
Celotex Announces Complete Line of Triple Sealed Asphalt Shinsles
Chicago, Aug. ll-In a recent letter to stockholdeis, B. G. Dahlberg, president of The Celotex Corporation, announced a complete li,ne of Celotex Triple Sealed Asphalt Shingles, Siding and Roll Roofing to be manufactured by The Celotex Corporation in seven plants strategically located throughout the United States.
Mr. Dahlberg states: "We entered the roofing business only after assurance from our expert engineering staff that the products would be equal in every way to the standards of perfection and quality for which the Celotex name is known.
"I have placed under the direction of Dr. Elbert C. Lathrop, vice-president, the chemical and engineering manufacturing development and control of Celotex roofing. Dr. Lathrop is a member of many scientific societies and has been honored with the Ed Longthreth Medal of the Franklin Institute and the Doctor of Science by his Alma Mater, De Pauw University. His early research work was in the U. S. Department of Agriculture. He was for sometime a manager in the Chemical Department of E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Company. During the very early days of The Celotex Corporation, Dr. Lathrop guided the chemical and research activities of the company, first as a consulting chemist and later as director of research.
"'We are calling our new products 'Celotex Triple Sealed Shingles, Siding and Roofing'. The words 'Triple Sealed' are introduced to help in the merchandising of the product, drawing the attention of the trade and the consumer to the three important processes which Celotex uses in the combining of the asphalt and the felt. These processes add years of life to the roofing.
"These new products will increase our ability to serve our dealer trade with high quality, standard Celotex items merchandised under the Celotex policy which strives to permit the retailer a satisfactory profit."
Complete details on the merchandising policy, national
Yardman Wants Position
Several years' lumber experience in retail yard. Not afraid to work. Can speak Spanish. Will go any place. Can furnish good references. Address Box C-725, care California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
Suburban lumber yard in Southern California. Very clean. Real estate $6,000 but would lease to responsible party. Building, machinery, trucks and all yard and office equiiment Sl2d)0. Stock about $10,000. Best living conditions and competitive situation very fine.
Also good yard in Coast City. Improvements and equipment $10,000, inventory $10,000, ground leased.
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 8Ol Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
advertising and sales promotion material are being anhounced sometime this month by H. W. Collins, vice-president in charge of merchandising, at a sales meeting in Chicago to which is being called the Celotex sales service organization from all parts of the country.
The sales policy was formulated after extensive market investigation and with the consultation and assistance of retail dealers in all parts of the country.
Pacific Mutual Door Co. Enlarges Service
Pacific Mutual Door Company is enlarging and perfecting its Pamudo service with the announcement of two new branch warehouses, one at Newark, N. J., and the other at Philadelphia, Pa.
In March of this year, its branch in Chicago was moved into a new and modern warehouse, giving them excellent facilities for efficient distribution in that territory.
Further ,progress was made in May when its service to the trade in Southern California was greatly improved. They moved into their present location at 1600 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles where a large stock of Pamudo plywood, principally, is maintained. R. A. Fobes is manager of their Southern California operations.
In June, S. R. (Ray) Lambert, for thirteen years assistant manager of their Brooklyn branch, was transferred to Kansas City as manag'er there, and about the same time J. G. Tibbals was appointed its special representative in the Baltimore territory.
Pacific Mutual Door Company is a national organization with headquarters in Tacoma, 'Wash., maintaining large warehouses in Brooklyn, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Paul and Los Angeles, in addition to the two new warehouses at Newark and Philadelphia. The company has been in business over 25 years, starting in 1912, and are pioneers in the distribution of Fir plywood and doors.