2 minute read


Portland, Oregon

Manufacturers of Old Growth Douglas Fir

Rail and Cargo Shippers

Buy Shull Yard at Alhambra R. J. Dahlem Attends National Convention

Berny F. Matthies and Paul B. Fritchey recently organized the Palm Ave. Lumber Co', Inc., and have purchased the land, buildings and all holdings of the J. W. & C. Shull Co. in Alhambra. The yard is located at 8D South Palm Avenue, and was established 18 years ago by J. W. & C. Shull Co., and operated continuously by them until sold to the new concern.

Mr. Matthies continues as manager and Mr. Fritchey is in charge of sales. Both were with J. W. & C. Shull Co' at this yard {or the last 1O years, and Mr. Matthies before that was manager for five years of the East Side Lumber Co., Los Angeles.

This background of experience and a wide ecquaintance among contractors and the public in Alhambra should insure success for the new owners. A corn:plete stock of lumber and building materials is carried' f'ormerly manager

Mines yard in I{e was town.

NEW YARD Supply Cornpany, Jamestown, Calif.


William Gamble, mill Company, Los Angeles, San Francisco Fair.



Ltd., has started a new lumber Leslie A. Groome is manager. for J. L. Witney, Inc., James-

FRANCISCO FAIR superintendent f'or left August 26 f.or a the Graves visit to the

R. J. Dahlem, of the LaVerne Lumber Company, La Verne, Calif., arrived home on August 22 from attending the Lions Convention at Pittsburgh, Pa., where he was sent as a delegate.

While in the East Mr. Dahlem took the opportunity to visit the home town, Summerville, Ill. On his tour he saw both the New York and San Francisco Fairs and took time out to do a lot of sightseeing. He paid a visit to Glacier Park and made a side trip from Buffalo to Niagara Falls.

Among other cities where he stopped over were Boston, Washington, D. C., and Seattle. Altogether he travelled through 26 states.

Business And Pleasure Trip

George Clough, general sales manager and Cy Wardle, salesman for San Pedro Lumber Company, Los Angeles, returned August 20 from a three weeks' business and pleasure trip to Northern California and the Pacific Northwest.

They traveled up the California coast and called on the Redwood mills; drove on up the Oregon coast and called on Fir mills on the Columbia River and in the Willamette Valley. On the way home they visited California Pine mills in Southern Oregon and Northern California. In the course of their tour they had some good fishing, and at a number of the larger mills were shown the woods operations.




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