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2000 Paradorc lvr. la f,agelor, Cctll

News ltems

Tom Dant, head of the lumber department of Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland, spent a few days at the company's San Francisco and Los Angeles offices around the middle of August.

Herbert A. Templeton, of Lumber Co., Portland, was in ago on business.

Ambrose Halstead Phoenix, Ariz.. was in days recently.

the Herbert A. Templeton San Francisco two weeks


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Now, you can gelect and obtain the "right" door for any type of entrance, eaeily and quickly. The new Vheeler Osgood catalog illuetratee many VOCO and LAMINEX Doors which neet oll entrance requirements-modern, period or ernventional. Everyone concerned with planning, epecifying, building or remodeling reeidences, garagea or conmercial structuresr Bhould have a copy of the compact, new No. 39 Catalog-It contain. over 2(X) door deeigne and layoute. VkITE trOR YOUR copy today-no obligation.


F*lory rd Go.rd otfcc Ts|[' Wdfi3loo lnrdr Oftrccs toE ftEGL. D{l Wlctitr .lanr ' Srt lncbco GGal S!lo.Otfic.c tLt YorL Cltb.lo 8tockt Ccttlod ln ?dnclpel Cltlor

Harry F. Vincent, general ber Co., San Francisco, on country around Bend, Ore., spectacular log drive he saw manager E. K. Wood Lumhis recent vacation in the was much interested in a on the Deschutes River. of J. D. Halstead Lumber Co., Los Angeles on business for a few manager of the panel department of WestLumber Co., Los Angeles, is spending two on the plywood mills in Washington and

R. U. (Bob) Bronson, head of the Trio Lumber Company, Eugene, Ore., was a business visitor to the San Francisco Bay district, the middle of August.

Kay Cabinet and Building Supply Co. has opened a planing mill and cabinet shop at 1000 Juanita Boulevard, Salinas. Robt. G. Kay is manager.

Walter Harris of Lounsberry & Harris, Los Angeles, and Mrs. Harris arrived home August 24 from a vacation trip to Glacier Park and the Pacific Northwest. They traveled by automobile. From Glacier Park they headed West to Seattle and then down the Coast, having been gone a little over two weeks.

Iooni Biytbaibli Grots Gingulatton Kilns

27y'o to )O/o mote capacity duc to solid edge-to-edge stacking. Bcttcr qudfuy drying on tow tcnpcranrra rith e fest rcvcrribic circulation, Lower stacling costs-just solid cdge-to-edgc stacking in the cimplert form.

Glen Cahill, ern Hardwood weeks calling Oregon.

Brian use

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