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For Sale Or Lease
For sale or lease complete lumber plant in Western Oregon in fine growing little city of 3,fi)0. Business prospects are excellent. This is a real opportunity. Send inquiries to Box C-771, ch Calif.ornia Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yard For Sale
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
search committee, W. P. Marsh; Promotion committee, C. c. stibich.
A short report of the meeting of the National Council of Sales Executives, held in Memphis, Tenn., in June was given by Leo Opsahl, sales manager of The Red River Lumber Co., Westwood, Calif. Most of the discussion, he said, was on trade practices.
The semi-annual meeting adjourned at 1:30 on August 3 to give members an opportunity to attend the Golden Gate Exposition and visit the Western Pine Home.
Owners and managers met on Friday August 4 to discuss distribution practices.
Stanley Staples, vice-president and comptroller of Employers Mutuals of Wausau, 'Wis., was in Los Angeles recently to establish a California office for his company in the Western Pacific Building, Los Angeles. Gordon Keitel is manager of the new office.
Mr. Staples was f'ormerly with the Long-Bell Lumber Co. His company was originally organized by a group of lumbermen and specializes in workmen's compensation and public liability insurance.
Kansas Lumberman Visits Coast
W. A. Stippich of the Stippich Lumber Company, Wichita, Kansas, was recently in Los Angeles for a few days, completing a business trip on the Pacific Coast.
Change Of Name
Wrightson-Davidoff Lumber Company, changed their name to Wrightson Lumber
East Side Iumber yard
Commission Salesman Wanted For Arizona
Well established San Francisco wholesale lumber firm with excellent buying connections in the Northwest wants commission salesman for Arizona territory to sell Fir, Ponderosa and Sugar Pine. Replies treated confidentially. Ad' dress Box C-770, California Lumber Merchant.
Will Pay Cash For Good Yard
CASH for a good yard in one to three yard town Give full particulars and reason for selling. Addresg Box C-772, California Lumber Merchant.
Hoo-Hoo Signs Installed Near Gurdon, Ark.
The birthplace of the Concatenated Order of Hoo.Hoo. Gurdon, Arkansas, is now called to the attention of tourists entering that city on U. S. Highway No. 67 and State Highway No. 53 by the highway signs installed through the cooperation of the Order of Hoo-Hoo, the Gurdon Board of Trade and the Highway Department.
Hoo-Hoo had its inception at Gurdon, Arkansas, in January 1892 and for the past several years a monumenf carrying the plaque announcing this event has stood in their Central Park. A few years ago flood lights were placed at the foot of this monument and within the last ten days highway markers have been installed calling atrention to this historical event.
The illustration shows the signs built of matched lumber with heavy molding on oak posts attractively painted in the Hoo-Hoo colors, yellow and black, and carrying the Hoo-Hoo symbol, the Black Cat with the benign tail.
Inc., recently Corporation.
NEW SALINAS YARD Lumber Company has started a new retail in Salinas. G. W. Biddle is manager.
Wes Gotcher, owner of the East St. Johns Shingle Co.. Portland, was a San Francisco visitor around the middle of August. He was there on business but took time to visir the Fair.