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Western Pine Members Discuss Distribution

Photogncph ol group at Wertern Pine Home on Trecsure Islaad, August 3. Froni row-Lelt to Right: W. F. Bcird, Michigcn-Cclilornic Lunrber Co- Camino, Cslil.; A. F. McKinley, Southwegt Lumber Mills Inc- McNcry, Irizoncu A. M. Agton" Eiles-Colemcn Lumber Co., Ornqk, Wssh.,' J. P. Hennessy, McCloud River Lumber Co., McCloud, Cclil-. Henry G. f,lopp, White Pine Sqsh Co- Spokcne, Wcrsh; Leo G. OpschL Red River Lumber Co., Westwoo4 Cqlil-. A. J. Sicnge, Mt. Emily Lunrber Co., Lcr Grcnde, Oregou Swilt Berry, Michigcn-Cclilornic Luurber Co- Camino, Colil; lcnes G. McNcrry, Southwesl Lumber Mills Inc., Mclilcrry, Arizona; S. V. Fullcrway, lt., secretcry-mcrncger, Tlleetern Pine Aesociqtion Portlcnd, Oregroru C. C. Siibich, Tahoe Sugcn Pine Co- Auburn, Cclil.; C. L. Isted, Shevlin-Hixon Co., Bend, Oregow I. I. Pugh, Russell d Pugh Lumber Co., Springeton, Idqho. Bcck row-Lelt to Right Chcre. Schleel, Swcyne Lurrber Co., Oroville, Cclil.; Hcrold l. Ford, Yosemite Sugcr Pine Co., Merced Fcrllg, Calil; Albert Hersrqnn" Western Pine Agsocialion, Portland, Oregoru Homer Jcrmison, Byles-Jcmison Lumber Co,, Shcver Lcke, Ccrlil; Sicorley O. Hcll, Ntrtioncl Door Mcnulqcturerg Association, Chiccgo, Ill; W. E. Grillee, Westenr Pine Agsocialion, Portlcnd, Oregoru E. C. Wert, Long Lcke Lumber Co., Spokane, Wcsh.; A. H. Deweeg, N. W. tryer 4 Son" trc., Scn Frqncigco, Cclil.; Ted Wert Long Lcrle Lumber Co., Spolcrne, Wqsh.,'Wclker B. Tilley, Westera Pine Aesocicrtion" San Frqncisco, Calil.; C. E. L. Mecrgure, lilfegtern Pine Associction, Scn Frcncisco, Calil.; N. L. Ccrry, Westenr Pine Agsociction, Portlcrnd, Oregou Clyde B. Mcrrtin, Wegtern Pine Association, Portlcnd,

Discussion of'the problem of distribution was a feature of the semi-annual meetings of the Western Pine Association, held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, August I to 4.

The research and promotion committees met on August 1 and again the following day. The executive and economic committee, grading committee, statistical committee and traffic committee met August 2.

Swift Berry, general manager of Michigan-California Lumber Co., Camino, Calif., the Association's president, in his address at the semi-annual meeting of members on August 3 referred to distribution as the most important problem of the industry, and urged members to use the facts developed by the 1937 Distribution Study to help them to attain more orderly and profitable distribution.

President Berry stressed the necessity of trade promotion and referred to the good results brought about by the Association's promotion program. He mentioned the splendid attendance at their exhibits at both the New York and San Francisco expositions.

Secretary-manager S. V. Fullarvay, Jr., presented a su.mmary of his ideas on distribution, concluding his remarks by saying that in his opinion the industry can solve the distribution problem if a substantial majority will take a firm stand as to who shall receive wholesale compensation, commissions, or quantity ,concessions, and with this as a start make a sincere effort to simplify their channels of distribution. He warned that if a solution is not found reasonably soon legal and regulatory measures may be expected, which would be an undesirable development.

Assistant secretary-manager W. E. Griffee reported on the statistical situation of the industry.

James G. McNary, of McNary, Ariz., president of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, spoke briefly on the state of the lumber manufacturing business as a whole, giving his opinion that if individual manufacturers become profit-minded lumber prices can be improved. Very few manufecturers have recently been able to show operating profits, he said.

Chairmen of committees presented their reports and gave their recommendations. President Berry reported as chairman of the Executive and Economic committees, and the other chairmen were: Statistical committee, Don Lawrence; Grading committee, W. E. Lamm; Moulding and Millwork committee, R. F. Pray; Traffic committee. A. J. Voye, Re-

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