1 minute read
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Age not guaranteed---Some I have told lor 20 years---Some Less
The One He Admired
A colored brother was making his first trip by plane, from Kansas City to New York City. When the plane stopped at St. Louis a little red truck came scampering out on the field and refueled it. At Cleveland a little red truck came scurrying out to meet the plane. Again it happened at Albany. As they took off the stewardess,
Mcrdercr Lumber Co. Purchqsed
Frank F. Minard, president and general manager of C. S. Pierce Lum,ber Co., Fresno, has announced the purchase by his firm of the Madera Lumber Co., Madera. The business will be operated under the name of N{adera Lumber & Hardware Co., Inc. Mr. Minard is president of the new concern. and Elmer N. Rau of the Fresno office of C. S. Pierce Lumber Co. is manager. The firm will conduct a retail business in lumber, hardware and building materials.