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pertonal -A+lnrt

Carl R. Moore, president of Cape Arago Lumber Co., Empire, Ore., was in the San Francisco Bay district on one of his periodical trips recently. He attended the meeting of the Western Pine Association August 18 in San Francisco.

Mr. Moore is also interested in the firm of Moore Lumber Products, which has a planing mill in Grants Pass, Ore., and two mills in that district, and is managed by James A. Pack, a lumberman who is well known both in Northern and Southern California.

W. W. Forrest, formerly in the retail lumber business in Richmond, Calif., and for some time lumber ,buyer for the Kaiser Shipyards, resigned the latter position July 1 to become lumber distributor for J. H. Pomeroy & Co., Inc., holders of a contract for engineering service and lumber procurement on the West Coast for the U. S. Navv.

Jerry Pearce, well known in San Francisco Bay district lumber,circles, and a partner, are now operating a Redwood sawmill at Branscomb, Calif., with headquarters in Willits. Calif.

Don Kesselring, manager of the Oakland office of The United States Plywood Corporation, recently visited the Chicago office, Midwestern headquarters, and took a 10-day training course at the organization's hardwood plywood factory at Algoma, Wis.

Hugh W. Handley, sales manager, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, was back on the jo,b August 22 from vacationing at Mineral, in Lassen National Park, Calif.

Roddy Mulholland, vice president, California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles, was back in his office August 28 from a 30-day business trip to the East, where he visited New York and other cities and called on a number of Wisconsin mills.

A. E. Wolff, manager of Kilpatrick & Company, San Francisco, returned August 12 from a 10-day business trip to the Pacific Northwest, and followed this with a visit to the firm's Southern California office at Wilmington.

R. O. Wilson. R. O. eley, spent two weeks business.

Wilson & Son Lumber Co., Berkin Southern California recently on

Albert A. Kelley, Alameda, spent two weeks calling on August 12.

Calif., wholesale lumberman, Oregon mills and returned

M. A. (Matt) llarris, president of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, was back in his office August 9 from six weeks' vacation spent at Glenbrook,, Lake Tahoe.

G. F. (Jerry) Bonnington of Lamon-Bonnington Co., San Francisco, is back from calling on Oregon sawmills for the Dast two weeks.

Jack Mulcahy, O'Malley Lumber Co., Tucson, Ariz., was a recent visitor to San Francisco. and Humboldt Countv. Calif.

Russ McCoy, McCoy Lumber Co., Hemet, Calif., was in San Francisco recently on a business trip.

E. E. Abrahamson, Hammond Lumber Co., Samoa, Calif., attended the State American Legion Convention in Los Angeles, August 14 to 17.

Dale Burns, assistant sales manager, Medford Corporation, Medford, Ore., and Mrs. Burns made a trip to San Francisco and Los Angeles early in August.

Adolph E. Wanke of Wanke Panel Co., Portland, was elected a director of the National Plywood Distributors Association at the recent annual convention in Chicago.

Digest o[ New War Agency Regulations

Lumber lor Home Repcir Work

The WPB announced that home owners needing lurnber for repair work will be given preference ratings to assist them in obt4ining lumber only in extreme emergency cases. Dire,ct and indirect military requirements for lumber are so high, and essential demand so far in excess of supply, that all unnecessary use of lumber must be curtailed, WPB said.



Softwood distribution yards are authorized by OPA to sell lum,ber that is not in yard stock at the time of sale if the purchaser's order certified by the WPB, is turned over to the yard's supplier. Amendment 7 to 2nd RMPR 215, effective August 18.


WPB allows large consumers of lumber to receive part of their fourth quarter allotments of hardwood during the third quarter, since revised production data indicate third quarter production will be approximately 8.5/o higher than original estimates.

Wooden Boxes

OPA amends the provision in the industrial wooden box regulation dealing with the method that manufacturers may use in computing maximum prices so as to make it clear that this method is based upon the cost of production of industrial wooden boxes only. (Amendment 5 to Revised MPR 195), effective August 21.

Housing Proiects

The WPB clarifies rules governing construction of housing projects authorized before the effective date (March 1, 1944), of Limited Preference Order P-55-C in interpretation I to P-55-C.


White quartered oak, commonly used in the manufacture of office chairs, comes under the restriction of Direction 9 (prohibiting the receipt of "No. 1 common white oak or better for most civilian products") to Lumber Order L-335, the WPB advises.

Insect Screening Released

A total of 669,947 square feet of insect screening, which is under the control of Metal Reserve Co., a su,bsidiary of the RFC, has been released for civilian use, the WPB announced. This action also releases undetermined quantities of copper screening which have been frozen in the hands of miscellaneous holders. Manufa.cturers are still forbidden to ptoduce insect screening under Order M-9-c.

Industry Advisory Committee

Formation of a yellow cypress industry advisory com. mittee, composed of representatives of lumber mills in Louisilna, Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee, is announced by the OPA.

Forester Wants Position

Permanent position wanted as forester with good company pursuing timber management program. Age 32, married and draft exempt. University of California forestry graduate. Specialized in timber management and forest engineering; other courses in agriculture, soils and statistics. Office and field experience. Excellent references. Four years in present position. Available now.

Address Forester, l7O2 North Avenue 55, Los Angeles 42, Calif. Phone Albany 4759.


2000 acres timber land-near Laytonville-Willits Highway (Calif.), adjoining National Forest. Portable sawmill oh property.

Address Box C-1043 California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

Opportunity For Salesman

Salesman for San Francisco retail lumber and building material yard. Must be experienced. Permanent job. Essential. Industrial. Big future; good salary. Give full details regarding experience.

Address Box C-1045, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

Salesman Wanted

Young man who is acquainted with Southern California industrial and government buyers. Commission proposition with opporttrnity to earn substantial income. Fine postwar prospects with live-wire concern. Write stating age and experience.

Address Box C-1042, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.


If you want to sell your yard let us know. We have several buyers who are interested in Southern California yards.

Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers

801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif. Phone PRospect 8746


1 65 Diesel Caterpillar tractor equipped with front and rear power unit and bulldozer.

1 65 Gasoline Caterpillar tractor equipped with front and rear power unit and bulldozer.

Address Box C-1044, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.


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