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Aattu/oartnat, c-r/ %laoloulau a/ WDST COAST WOODS
P. O. Box 516
While urost oI our lu'.ber is going into Govemment wcr uses, we bcrve been tcking ccne of our decler customers' requirements to the best ol our crbility, cmd we thcmk theur for their pcrtience cmd coolrercrtion
Timber Connectored Structures cnd Unseasoned Lumber
In a letter to all its members, C. J. Hogue, in charge of the Techni'cal Service for the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, has brought to the attention of the timber fabricators certain difficulties that have been engendered by the necessary haste of war time construction and the use of unseasoned lumber. Says Mr. Hogue:
"We have been concerned over unsatisfactory results in some timber connectored structures built of unseasoned lum,ber during the war emergency and not given proper maintenance during the process of seasoning in place'
"Instances have come to attention where nuts on bolts have not been properly tightened, and shrinking and twisting of wood members have been sufficient to let one edge of a connector come entirely out of a groove, resulting in the failure of a joint."
To assist those in the field who are working with timber connectored structures. the WCLA has made available a pamphlet entitled "Ten Essential Standards for Fabricated Timber Structures." It is free on request to Association offices at 3& Stuart Building, in Seattle, Washington.
Hcrppy Event
Lieutenant-Commander Charles Christenson, USN and Mrs. Christenson are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Charles Arthur, at San Mateo, Calif. on July 27. Before going into the Navy Lieut. Com. Christenson was with Sudden & Christenson, Inc., San Francisco. He is now stationed in the Hawaiian Islands.
F"rnnal -/t{ewt
Kenneth Shipp, owner of California Builders Supply Co., Oakland, returned recently from a trip to Washington, D. C., and Chicago.
While in Chicago he attended the annual convention of the National Plywood Distributors Association and was elected a member of the ,board of directors of this organization.
Charles R. West. Arizona, was in Los his way back from Oregon.
wholesale lumberman of Phoenix, Angeles the middle of last week on calling on mills in Washington and
Lewis Jennings of Jennings Lumber Co., Safiord, Ariz., and Mrs. Jennings were in Los Angeles last week on a vacation trip.
B.. O. Leftwich, Phoenix, Arizona, wholesale lumberman, and Mrs. Leftwich, returned to their home city August 20 Lrom two weeks' vacation spent in and around Los Angeles.
J. W. Copeland of the J. W. Copeland Yards, fnc., PortIand, was a business visitor to Los Angeles two weeks ago. He was accompanied by his manager, Mr. Seaton.
This Restaurant Giiy Is Neauy An Ad Wbiter
The same little restaurant whose window signs have been remarked on previously in these columns, continues to lead the hounds when it comes to original help wanted advertising. Here is his latest window sign: First Vice President Wanted ! "'1',i"*lillnl'J'n
Revised West Coast Membership Directory
The West Coast Lumbermen's Asso,ciation, Seattle, Wash., has issued a membership directory revised to June I, 1944. It lists the various sawmills, loggers, woodpipe manufacturers, wood-treating and timber-fabricating com_ panies showing location of plants, principal equipment, species and items produced by each.
Due to the fact that wartime activities necessitate fre_ quent changes in production schedules the data relative to manufacture and distribution, contained in the directory, refer to normal prewar conditions.
Copies of the directory will be supplied upon request, without charge.
Close Ycrrds lor Vcrcation
Johnson Lumber Co., Altadena, their yard for two weeks to give the tion at the same time.
Wholesale to Lumber Yards
Sash - Windows
Gasements - DooFs, etc.
Our usucl lree delivery to Lunrber Ycrrds crnl.where in Southern Cclilomicr
Calif., recently closed whole staff their vaca-
Repeating their successful experiment of a year ago, Blanchard Lumber Co., North Hollywood, Calif., have closed their yard for two weeks' vacation for all employees.
Lieut. W. L. Frese Missing
Lieut. W. L. Frese, bornbardier in the U. S. Air For,ce, was reported missing in action July 31. Ife was stationed at an Italian base. He is the son of Otto W. Frese. San !'rancisco wholesale lum,berman.