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noticing the close attention the darkey was paying to everything, said to him:

"This plane certainly makes good time, doesn't it?"

He said: "fl'it sho does. An' dat li'l red truck don't seem to be DE-layed much, eithuh !"

Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 Meets in Ocrklcrnd, September l1

The next meeting of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 rvilt be held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, on Monday evening, September 11.

This will be the first meeting after the usual sumnler vacation, and a good attendance is expected. The principal business will be the election and installation of new officersDinner will be served at 6:39 p.m.


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Kiln Drying

At both Long Betrch cmd Los Angeles plcmts. Kilns crnd operctors qre certilied by Govemment lor drnng circrdt lumber. Also other corinrercicrl drying.

Mill qnd Kilns

1405 Wcter St., Long Becch 2 t. B. 6-9235

Los Angeles Kilns

136l Mircrsol St., Zone 23 ANselus 2-1945

Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Hold Dinner And Concatenation Sept. 8

A large attendance is expected at the dinner and Concatenation of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club to ,be held at the University Club, 614 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, on Friday evening, September 8. All lumbermen and men connected with allied products industries are invited to the dinner.

Guest speaker is Geoffrey F. Morgan, manager of the Speakers' Bureau, Douglas Aircraft Co., Santa Monica, Calif. His subject is "The Shape of Wings to Come.,, There will also be high class musical entertainment.

This meeting celebrates the end of the l9M Hoo-Hoo year, and it ties in with the 1944 Hoo-Hoo All-Out Annual, which follows the general plan of the 1943 annual meeting, and sets September 9 as Hoo-Hoo Day all over the country. This plan was devised to comply with wartime restrictions.

All Kittens who have made application already will report for initiation, and all others who wish to join can get application forms before the dinner at the University Club, or from Vicegerent Snark Dee Essley, telephone ANgelus 2-1183. Applications will also be received from Old Cats for reinstatement.

Dinner will be served at 7:O0 p.m.

Hardwood Distributors Annual Postponed

The annual convention of the Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Distributors Association, which rvas to have been held at the Santa Barbara Biltmore Hotel, September 5 to 7, has been postponed.

This action has been taken in order to comply with thd request of the Office of Defense Transportation to cancel all conventions on account of the war. Incidentally the Army has taken over the Santa Barbara Biltmore Hotel. The present officers will carry on until the next annual meeting. They are: Charles M. Cooper, W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., Los Angeles, president; Bert E. Bryan, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, vice president; Milton Taenzer, American Hardwood Co., Los Angeles, secretary and treasurer.

1944 Hoo-Hoo All-Out Annual

The 1944 All-Out Annual of the International Hoo_Hoo Order will follow the same general plan that was carried out in 1943, and instead of a convention by delegates, held in one city, meetings will be held in key cities ail over the country on the same day, Hoo-H,oo Day, September 9, 1944.

Last year meetings were held in 25 cities, registering a total of better than 100O members. Most of the meetings included Concatenations.

A letter has been sent out from Hoo-Hoo headquarters outlining the plan to be followed so that each group may tie in with the master program for the celebrati,on it tgi+ Hoo-Hoo Dav.

Being Di


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