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J. Walter Kelly to be New Bay District Snark
At a meeting of the Bay District Hoo-Hoo held at the Palace Hotel on August 28, the Nominating Committee of rvhich A. B. Wastell was chairman, announctd that T. Walter Kelly had been nominated for Vicegerent Snarli of the Bay District_ for the. ensuing year and r.r'as unanimously adopted by the meeting.
J. Walter Kelly is well known to the lumber industry of California and the Pacific Coast. He is sales manager for Chas. R. McCormick & Co. with offices in the Matson' Building, San Francisco. Walter, as he is best known to all his friends, has always taken an active interest in HooH9o 1qd during the pasi vear was Bojum on the Bay District Nine and was also Vice-Presid,ent of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9. He is extremely popular with the Hoo-Hoo members and rvith Walter at the head of the Bay District affairs, the members are sure that the ,ensuing year rvill be a very active one.
The meeting also adopted the recommendation of the Nominating Committee that Dave Woodhead of Los Angeles-who has acted as State Counsellor during the past year be proposed for election to the Supreme Nine at-the Annual Convention with Jurisdiction over California and Jurisdiction No. 1. Frank Trorver proposed A. B. Wastell, Vicegerent Snark of the f{ay District during the past year, for State Counsellor of California, rvhich motiontvas unanimously passed. The Scrivenoter was instructed to advise Secretary-Treasurer H. R. Ishenvood at St. Louis regarding the nominations of Mr. Woodhead and Mr. Wastell.
The Schafer Bros. Lumber & Door Co. of Montesano, Washington, one of the largest mills in the Grays Harbor District was destroyed by fire on September 2. The plant was valued at $750,000.00. The Schafer Bros. wer.e large manufacturers of Douglas Fir, Spruce, Hemlock, and Red Cedar shingles.
W. B. Wiggins, prominent Portland business man and long a resident of Oregon, died at his home on Thursday evening, September 4 af.ter an illness of tr,vo months. He was the head of the Broughton and Wiggins Co., the large pole and piling concern with operations at St. Helens, Oregon, and the Wiggins-Meyer Navigation Co.
Mr. Wiggins was born June 4, 1860, in Ottowa, Canada. _He came to Oregon in 1890, first locating in Oregon City. He has been a resident of Portland since 1910.
Mr. Wiggins is survived by his vvidow and three daughters, Elizabeth and Eleanor Wiggins, and Mrs. Lynn Davis, besides his mother and s.everaf iisters and brothers.
August Receipts Reach Large Total At Los Angeles
The final figures coming from San Pedro, announce the totals of water borne lumber, received at that port during August, as 114,105,000 feet of Fir and Redrvood, carried on 96 boats.
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