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Captain andMrs. Robert Dollar Celebrlte GoldenWeddin$Anniversary
Captain and I\Irs. Robert Dollar rvill celebrate theil Sol{.tt-.uiJaittg anniversarv on Thu-rsd1r. Slllenlber ll with a large rec-eption at their lleautiful San Rafael home' Stx tr""a?.a guists have been invited to attend this remarkable recep-tion in honor oi one of California's most widely knorvn couples.
Mr. and ^I\'Irs. Dollar Nere married at Fort Coulonge, Quebec Province, Canada. on S-eptem-ber ll, 1874' -Ytt' Sollar before her marriage \\'as trfiss trlargaret Proudfoot' Thev have three sons lirring. all being associated rvith the Rolirt Dollar Co. Thel--are R. Sianley Dollar, ViceFresident of the Dollar Steamship Co. and President of the Admiral-Oriental Line, rvho is norv in China on a rvorld tour: T. Harold Dollar. \'ice-President of the Dollar Line, ln cirirge of the Oriental Office-s- at Shanghai; and A' N{elville"Dollar. in charge of the Vancourer, B' C'' offices
HOLI- and lumber interests.
Lervis A. Godard, of the Henclrickson Lumber Co'' San p*.i..", and Dick Fuller, Manager. of the Sterling J-tl-t"iCo., Santa Rosa, and a party oFfriends spend the Labor Dav Holidavs hunting de.t'i" tit Gualala River District in M.'";;;i;;'-"iinty. - The bovs reported a fine trip and ,-iro"J.if"l time -l>ut 'rvere nbt suices.ful in getting any game.
A I. RUSSELL SPENDS WEEK AT SACRAMENTO i. ;. n.rttell, I{anager of the Santa Fe Lumber Co', San F-rancisco, itat retuined from a rveeks business trip to Sacramento. While in the Capitol City, he attended the State Fair and states that they had a wonderful show this "..". FIe was accompanied by Al Kelly, the company's iepresentative in the Sacramento \'-alley-