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Miss Leona Perkins And Party Touring Northwest
I\Iiss Leona Perkins, of the Chas. R. McCormick & Co.. San Francisco, accompanied by her sister Elizabeth Magoon of Tokyo, Japan, N{rs. Walter C. Zinn and Miss Hazel Gough of San Francisco, have left for the Northrvest on a pleasure irip rvhere they rvill spend about three y."S _touring through the North.rvest. They will visit St. llelens, Oregon, where they will be the guists of Miss Perkins' sister ind brother-in-larv I\{r. and-IUrs. Hamlin F. McCormick.
Mr. McCormick is the General Manager of the large lumber and mill operations of Chas. R. McCormick & Co. at St. Helens. They u'ill_also spend several days motoring th.rough the states of Oregon- and Washington, and the! rvill also include in their itinerary a trip tlrough Britisir Columbia and Vancouver Island-. Thev rvill -make the entire trip by automobile and r,r'ill return to San Francisco around the latter part of the month.
C. S. Russell, prominent Portland lumberman and a member of Dant & Russell the large portland export.ers and lurnber distributors, is on a foui months businiss and pleasure -trip in. rvhich he will visit most of the larger cities and ports in -South America. He is accompanied-by his rvife on the trip.
From the House of Quictr Shipmentr
Redwood Manufacturers Co.
S.tppose Your Plant Should Burn Tonight-
would y_ou be able to view the twisted, smoldering ruina, consoled in vour Irll!: fortune bv th-e sure knowleds,e thal you are J;c""t"ty i;;;;;d,;,h ;;; condition on the policy fulGlled, so thai there will *;-;";;iion of th" amount you will recoverl
The time to think abort thie guestion is not aftcr, but before the firc.